

Latest articles in Entertainment

Definition of album

Album is a term that can be used in different ways. According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, the first meaning of the concept refers to a type of notebook whose pages are blank so that they can be completed according to the interests of its owner. The album emerged as a book with leaves […]

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Definition of chess

Chess is a game that is played on a board and pits two people against each other. Each player has sixteen pieces that they can move, respecting certain rules, on the board that is divided into sixty-four squares, known as squares. These pieces are a king, a queen, two rooks, two knights, two […]

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Definition of aquarium

Aquarius is a concept that can come from two different etymological sources, both from the Latin language: Aquarĭus or aquarĭum. In the first case, the term refers to a sign of the Zodiac. Specifically, Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign. It is generally said that people who were born between January 21 […]

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Definition of recreational activities

The action carried out by a living being or an entity can be called activity. Recreational, for its part, is an adjective that refers to that which offers recreation (entertainment, fun or distraction). Recreational activities, in this way, are those actions that allow a person to entertain themselves or have fun. It is […]

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Definition of camping

Camping is a verb that refers to what a person does when they stop walking and temporarily establish themselves in an unpopulated place, usually spending the night in a tent or in an improvised shelter. The term comes from the Italian language. For example: “Let's keep walking until we find a suitable place […]

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Definition of zumba

Zumba is a notion with several meanings in the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The first refers to a large cowbell that is usually carried by oxen or horses in certain contexts. The RAE also mentions that zumba can be a toy also known as churinga or bramadera; a beating […]

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Definition of zoo

In order to fully enter into the definition of the term zoo, we are going to begin by establishing its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that it derives from Greek, more specifically from the sum of the following components: -The noun zoo, which can be translated as "animal." -The word logos, which means "study." -The suffix -ikos, which […]

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Definition of zombie

Zombie is a term from the English language that, in our language, translates as zombie. It is a corpse that, through some type of spell, has been reanimated. A zombie, therefore, is the living dead. Although the concept can be used with multiple nuances, it is generally used with reference […]

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Definition of vedette

A vedette is a dancer, singer and actress who performs in a variety show or musical revue. This is, generally, the most important figure in the work. As can be guessed from its constitution, the word vedette is of French origin, and in its original language it can be understood as the "star […]

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Definition of trick

A trick is a deception, a scam or a trick that a person can carry out to achieve an objective or reach a goal. Beyond the context and its intentions, the trick is a kind of scam or trap. For example: «So that the boss does not notice when I am late […]

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