

Latest articles in Entertainment

Definition of swing

Before going into the meaning of the term swing, let’s find out its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that comes from the Greek “kolymban”. The idea of ​​swing comes from columpiar: to balance, to rock. A swing is a device that consists of a seat tied through a rope.

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Definition of clarion

The first thing to discover is the etymological origin of the term clarin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from «clarus», which can be translated as «brilliant», «illustrious» or «famous». A clarin is a metal wind instrument, which is similar to a trumpet, although […]

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Definition of cinema

The term cinema has various meanings linked to cinematography: the recording and exhibition of moving images on a screen. Cinema, therefore, can be the art and technique of cinematography. Someone who is dedicated to making films is a creator of movies or films. Generally, the films are made […]

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Definition of casting

The term casting is originally from the English language but is also accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The notion can be used to refer to the process of choosing models or actors for a certain job. For example: «My daughter asked me to take her to a casting because she dreams of acting on television», […]

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Casino definition

The first meaning of the concept of casino, which comes from the Italian language, refers to a club, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The notion, in this case, refers to an association that includes people with common interests, conditions or characteristics. Continuing with this meaning, a casino is the name given to a […]

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Definition of billboard

The concept of a billboard has several uses. It can refer to the poster or the set of posters that announce one or more events. For example: “Have you seen this week’s movie schedule? I would like to enjoy a comedy”, “The San Carlos Theater has not yet presented its summer schedule”, “Local authorities want to strengthen […]

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Definition of carousel

Before getting to know the meaning of the term carousel, we are going to proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case, it must be stated that it is a word that derives from the French “carrousel”, which in turn comes from the Italian “carosela”. However, we must not overlook the fact that the latter also […]

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Definition of carnival

The term carnival, which comes from the Italian language, refers to the three days preceding the beginning of Lent (the liturgical period characterized by penitence, which serves as preparation for Easter). In this case, carnival can also be written with an initial capital letter: Carnaval. Carnival is therefore called […]

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Definition of mask

A mask is an element that is used to cover the face. It can be a mask, a blindfold or a similar item. For example: “A man wearing a Barack Obama mask robbed a bank in the provincial capital”, “I am going to wear a gorilla mask at the costume party”, “I need a mask […]

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Definition of burlesque

If we go to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we will not find the word burlesque. The concept, however, is used in our language to refer to a work or show that is responsible for ridiculing a certain subject. Emerging as a literary subgenre, today burlesque is associated with variety theatre. It is a […]

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