

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement is an international pact that commits signatories to taking measures to achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The goal is to keep global warming below a 2ºC increase in temperature compared to the levels recorded in the pre-industrial era. […]

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Definition of carbon footprint

The carbon footprint is data that reveals the level of greenhouse gases (GHG) that a certain activity carried out by humans emits directly or indirectly. It is an environmental indicator that is usually expressed through the unit of measurement known as CO2 equivalent, which is converted by […]

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Definition of circular economy

Circular economy is an expression that identifies a modality of both production and consumption supported by practices that are friendly to the planet and the pocket of each individual. It is a philosophy that focuses on design and reuse as keys to generating a significant reduction in waste, promoting […]

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Definition of waste management

Waste management is a process that encompasses ordered actions and strategies to minimize the amount of garbage generated by humans, reduce the percentage of waste and reuse as much as possible to extend or reformulate the useful life of various elements. Efficiently deal with waste, both individually and collectively, […]

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Definition of sustainable development

Sustainable development is a concept that refers to the ability to satisfy human needs without harming the environment. What this paradigm seeks is to guarantee the subsistence and progress of human beings by responsible use of natural resources, in such a way that the future of the […]

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Definition of animal rights

Animal rights are defended by an international movement defined as animalism. In the face of so many human practices that threaten animal welfare and even lead to their death, it is essential to deepen efforts to transform the collective mentality and, in this way, put an end to any action that goes in […]

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Definition of sustainability

Sustainability is, basically, the sustainable nature of something. That is, it can be maintained, sustained. In the field of ecology, this notion refers to practices aimed at meeting the needs of the current population without putting at risk the resources for the generations that will arrive on this planet over time […]

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Definition of wildlife

Wildlife is a concept that refers to the set of animals, plants and fungi that have not been domesticated and that live in a place without their introduction into it by humans. That is why the notion is associated with wildlife in its natural state. […]

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Definition of seagrass

Seagrass is an underwater plant that forms meadows in shallow areas close to the coast. The term is used to name species of different plant genera (such as Cymodocea, Enhalus, Halodule, Phyllospadix, Posidonia, Ruppia, Syringodium, Thalassia and Zostera) that share the peculiarity of growing submerged in the sea. The […]

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Definition of neutrality

Neutrality is the condition of neutral. Neutral, meanwhile, is defined as someone who does not take sides with any of the parties that are in conflict or in the middle of a conflict. This concept is used in different areas and contexts. One of its most common meanings is linked to the position adopted by a […]

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