

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of river

The term river comes from the Latin rius. It is a natural continuous stream of water that flows into another similar stream, into a lake or into the sea. When one river flows into another, it is known as a tributary. Each river has a certain flow, which is not usually constant throughout the year. […]

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Definition of waterfall

Waterfall is a fall of water that occurs at a certain height as a result of a noticeable unevenness in the channel. The concept has its etymological origin in the Italian word cascata (translated into Spanish as “fall”). Waterfalls that are large are defined as waterfalls. When water falls from the […]

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Definition of fertilizer

Fertilizer is a substance that can be inorganic or organic and is used to increase soil quality and provide nutrients to crops and plantations. Manure and guano, for example, are natural fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers, also called mineral fertilizers, are obtained by exploiting nature reserves […]

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Definition of biotic

Biotic refers to that which is characteristic of living organisms or that maintains a link with them. It can also be that which belongs to or is associated with biota, a concept that allows naming the fauna and flora of a certain territory. Abiotic, on the other hand, refers to the environment in which […]

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Definition of abiotic

The notion of abiotic is used in the field of biology to refer to the environment that, due to its characteristics, cannot host any form of life. The term allows us to name that which is opposed to the biotic and that which cannot be included within the group of living beings nor […]

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Definition of field

From the Latin campus ("plain", "battle space"), the word field refers to a large piece of land that is far from a city or town or to land that can be tilled. The concept is also used in reference to a crop or crop. For example: «On the weekend we […]

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Definition of pollution

Pollution is the action and effect of contaminating. The term comes from the Latin contaminatĭo. The verb contaminate, for its part, is used to refer to the harmful alteration of the purity or normal conditions of a thing or a medium by chemical or physical agents. To pollute is also to alter the shape of a […]

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Definition of social environment

The social environment of a subject is made up of their living and working conditions, the studies they have completed, their income level and the community of which they are part. Each of these factors influences the health of the individual: that is why, at a global level, the differences between social environments […]

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