

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of natural

From the Latin naturalis, the term natural has several meanings and uses. It is an adjective that refers to that belonging to or related to nature. For example: "This juice is natural, it does not have any preservatives or additives." On the other hand, natural is what is in accordance with the property or quality of things: […]

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Definition of natural gas

Natural gas is a mixture of gases composed mainly of methane. It is a combustible gas that comes from geological formations, which is why it constitutes a non-renewable source of energy. In addition to methane, natural gas can contain carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, butane and nitrogen, among other gases. These components make […]

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Definition of nature

The notion of nature allows us to refer to the phenomena that are part of the physical universe and everything linked to living organisms. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes eighteen meanings of the word, which shows its breadth of meanings. Nature can refer to that which characterizes a […]

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Definition of seed

The seed is, according to botany, the component of a fruit that houses the embryo that can develop into a new plant. A seed is also known as the grain that vegetables produce and that, when sown or fall to the ground, generates other specimens that belong to the species in question. The […]

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Definition of food chain

Food chain is a concept that refers to the nutritional relationships between producers, consumers and decomposers. In other words, the chain reflects who eats who (a living being feeds on the one that precedes it in the chain and, at the same time, is eaten by the one that follows it). It is, in short, […]

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Definition of marine

Marine is that belonging to or relating to the sea. The concept also refers to the profession of teaching navigation, to the man who practices nautical skills and to the set of ships of a nation. The navy or Navy is the service that is responsible for the defense of a country by […]

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Definition of environmental engineering

Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering that is dedicated to studying environmental problems. This discipline seeks sustainable development without neglecting issues linked to ecology, economy and social issues. It should be noted that engineering is the science that is responsible for the study and application of technology […]

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Definition of lagoon

Lagoon is a natural water reservoir that can have different dimensions and is formed from the mouth of a stream or river or, failing that, in periods of flooding due to the overflowing of one of them and the subsequent stagnation of the waters. The term comes from the Latin lacuna. They are generally composed […]

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Definition of sea

The notion of sea has its origin in the Latin word mare and refers to the portion of salt water that can be seen in large areas of the earth's surface. Furthermore, a sea is usually defined as each of the fragments in which that mass of water can be considered […]

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Definition of ocean

Ocean is the sea of ​​immense dimensions that covers most of the earth's surface (according to experts, 71%). Each of the subdivisions of this sea (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, etc.) is also known as an ocean. Within these segmentations, the largest ocean is the Pacific. It is important to highlight the existence of […]

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