

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of life cycle

A life cycle is the alternation of generations, according to the definition of the concept in the field of biology. This means that, in eukaryotic organisms, sexual reproduction exhibits an alternation of nuclear phases: meiosis leads to a haploid phase and the fusion of the gametes generates a diploid phase. […]

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Definition of forest

Forest, a word of Germanic origin (busch), is a place populated by trees and bushes. In general, it is an area that has a significant density of trees. Forests, especially the youngest ones, absorb carbon dioxide, conserve soil and regulate hydrological flows. There are forests in almost all regions […]

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Definition of glacier

Glacier is a concept that has its origin in the French glacier and gives its name to the block or structure of ice that usually accumulates in certain areas of the mountain ranges, just above the line that marks the limit of perpetual snow. The lower part of a glacier is in motion, with […]

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Definition of flora

Flora is a Latin term that names the goddess of flowers. These are all the plant species found in a certain region or the discipline and documents that are responsible for their study. As we say, the term in question comes from the name of the goddess Flora […]

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Definition of fauna

From the Latin Fauna (goddess of fertility), the group of animals in a geographical region is called fauna. The species typical of a geological period or a specific ecosystem form this group, whose survival and development depends on biotic and abiotic factors. Changes in habitat can affect the life of […]

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Definition of artificial ecosystem

An ecosystem is a specific environment where the vital processes of a group of living beings are interrelated. Biotic factors (such as animals, plants and microorganisms) and abiotic factors (air, water) are part of that shared environment. The interdependent organisms that make up this unit establish food chains, which […]

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Definition of ecosystem

An ecosystem is understood as the community of living beings whose vital processes are related to each other. The development of these organisms occurs depending on the physical factors of the environment they share. Ecosystems bring together all the biotic factors (that is, plants, animals and microorganisms) of a given area with […]

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Definition of greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon by which certain gases retain part of the energy emitted by the soil after having been heated by solar radiation. Therefore, a warming effect similar to that which occurs in a greenhouse is produced, with an increase in temperature. Although the greenhouse effect is […]

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Definition of global warming

Global warming is a phenomenon observed in the average temperature of recent decades, which rises steadily. The notion also alludes to a theory that, based on different projections, maintains that the temperature will continue to rise in the future due to human action. Despite the popularity […]

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Definition of warm-up

Warming up is the action of warming up. This verb refers to communicating heat to a body so that it raises its temperature; to exalt or inflame spirits; to sexually arouse; or to loosen the muscles before practicing a sport. Regarding this last meaning, the exercises that […]

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