

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of environment

The environment is a system made up of natural and artificial elements that are interrelated and that are modified by human action. It is the environment that conditions the way of life of society and that includes natural, social and cultural values ​​that exist in a given place and time. Living beings, […]

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Definition of garden

Garden is a term of French origin that refers to the land where plants are grown for decorative and ornamental purposes. It is a flower garden that seeks to beautify a certain place. For example: “I want to plant jasmines in my garden”, “My grandmother has a beautiful garden with flowers of all colors”. HE […]

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Definition of environmental hygiene

Environmental hygiene is a concept that is linked to maintaining the sanitary conditions of the environment to prevent it from affecting people's health. It should be noted that the idea of ​​hygiene refers to cleanliness and cleanliness. More accurately we can say that environmental hygiene is the science that is dedicated […]

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Definition of habitat

Habitat is a term that refers to the place that has the appropriate conditions for an organism, species or animal or plant community to live. It is, therefore, the space in which a biological population can reside and reproduce, in a way that ensures perpetuating its presence on the planet. It is very […]

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Definition of environmental education

The socialization process by which a person assimilates and learns knowledge is called education. Educational methods involve cultural and behavioral awareness that materializes in a series of skills and values. The environment that includes the landscape, flora, fauna, […] is known as the environment or natural environment.

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Definition of ecotourism

Ecotourism or ecological tourism is the tourist activity that is developed without altering the balance of the environment and avoiding damage to nature. This is a trend that seeks to make the tourism industry compatible with ecology. Ecotourism is linked to a sense of ethics since, beyond […]

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Definition of environment

The environment is what surrounds something or someone. For example: the phrase "Martín fell into drugs due to the bad influence of his environment" indicates that this person would have started taking drugs due to pressure or advice from the subjects with whom he shared his life. In that sense, we would have to say that […]

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Definition of broadcast

From the Latin emissio, the term emission is related to the action and effect of emitting (throwing or casting something out, putting securities or securities into circulation, expressing an opinion or judgment, launching Hercian waves to disseminate information). An issue, therefore, can be constituted by a set of public effects or another type […]

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Definition of drainage

Drainage is a term that comes from the French drainage and refers to the action and effect of draining. This verb, in turn, means to ensure the escape of liquids or excessive humidity through pipes, tubes or ditches. For engineering and urban planning, drainage is the system of […]

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Definition of deforestation

Deforestation is the action and effect of deforesting (stripping land of its trees and plants). This process of disappearance of forest masses is usually produced by human action through felling and burning. Deforestation is generally driven by the logging industry, paper manufacturers, […]

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