

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of jungle

Selva, from the Latin silva, is an extensive area full of trees. It is a biome with very dense vegetation, with a wide variety of species. The concept changed over time: currently, the notion of jungle is associated with tropical forests, which develop in areas […]

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Definition of resource management

Administration is linked to the performance and functioning of organizations. The term has its origin in the Latin language: ad-ministrare ("serve") or ad manus trahere ("manage" or "manage"). A resource, on the other hand, is a means of any kind that contributes to achieving what is intended. Resource management, therefore, […]

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Definition of rural

From the Latin rurālis, rural is an adjective that refers to what belongs to or is related to life in the countryside. The rural, therefore, is that opposite to the urban (the area of ​​the city). A field is a large piece of land that is outside of towns. The arable land, the crops […]

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Definition of non-renewable resources

Non-renewable resources are those whose reserves will inevitably run out at some point since it is not possible to produce, cultivate or regenerate them to sustain their consumption rate. This means that the consumption of non-renewable resources is greater than nature's capacity to recreate them. It should be noted that the assets […]

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Definition of natural resources

Natural resources are goods and services that arise from nature directly, that is, without the need for human intervention. These resources are of vital importance for the development of human beings, since they provide the possibility of obtaining food, producing energy and subsistence at a general level. For the […]

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Definition of meadow

A meadow is a set of meadows. By extension, the concept is used to name the grassy part of the field and the large meadow. For example: “When she was a child, Camila used to lie down in the meadow to look at the sky and play to find figures among the clouds”, “I dream of having a […]

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Definition of beach

Beach is a concept that comes from the late Latin plagia and that refers to the shore of the sea, a river or other watercourse of important dimensions. The term is used, by extension, to name spa towns, generally in a context related to vacations carried out with […]

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Definition of fishing

Establishing the etymological origin of the term fishing leads us to have to go to Latin. This language is where the word in question comes from, and more specifically from the word pisces, which can be translated as "fish." Fishing is the action and effect of fishing (removing fish and other animals from the water). He […]

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Definition of landscape

The landscape is the extension of land that can be seen from a site. It can be said that it is everything that enters the visual field from a certain place. For example: "The landscape of Bariloche is spectacular", "I want to go to a place that has a beautiful landscape, with mountains and lakes", "The buildings built in […]

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Definition of oasis

An oasis is a place with vegetation and, sometimes, springs, located in the middle of sandy deserts. They usually allow the development of settlements that are dedicated to cultivation and supplying neighboring towns and travelers. There are oases in the Arabian Peninsula and in the Sahara Desert, among other places. In […]

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