

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of extinction

Extinction is the consequence or result of becoming extinct or becoming extinct. For biology and ecology, the concept - coming from the Latin exstinctio - summarizes in a single term what happens when all the members of the same family or species disappear. A genus, clan or species is considered extinct when its last member dies […]

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Definition of discard

Cards left undealt or discarded in certain card games form what is known as discard. This term is linked to the verb discard, which means to exclude something or someone, to dispense with or not to admit. In some games, therefore, discarding is leaving the cards you have in […]

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Definition of photovoltaic energy

Photovoltaic energy is the type of electricity (electrical energy) that is obtained directly from the sun's rays thanks to the quantum photo-detection of a device. Photovoltaic energy makes it possible to produce electricity for distribution networks, supply isolated homes and power all types of devices. It should be noted that energy is the natural resource […]

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Definition of renewable energy

Renewable energy is the type of energy that can be obtained from virtually inexhaustible natural sources, since they contain an immense amount of energy or can be regenerated naturally. It should be noted that energy is a natural resource that can be used industrially through the application of technology and various associated resources. The concept […]

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Definition of collection

Collection comes from the Latin recollectum and refers to the action and effect of collecting (gathering scattered things). For example: "Nico, proceed to collect the toys before your dad returns", "In fifteen minutes I will start collecting the exams, so finish them", "The waste collection is done between […]

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Definition of hydraulic power

Hydraulic energy is the type of energy that is produced by the movement of water. Also known as water energy, it is obtained from the use of the kinetic and potential energy of currents, tides or waterfalls. It is worth remembering that the ability to transform or set something in motion is […]

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Definition of solar energy

Solar energy is energy obtained by capturing the heat and light emitted by the Sun. Thanks to its characteristics, solar energy is clean (it does not pollute) and renewable (because it uses resources that are not depleted). It should be noted that energy is a capacity that consists of transforming or mobilizing something. […]

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Definition of wind energy

Wind energy is energy obtained from the wind. It is a type of kinetic energy produced by the effect of air currents. It should be noted that energy is the ability to transform or set something in motion. For the economy and technology, energy is a natural resource with […]

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Definition of perishable

Perishable is an adjective that indicates that which is not durable and that, therefore, must perish (cease to be, end). For example: “Don't be fooled: this is something perishable; reality is very different”, “You cannot go on an expedition to the desert and take perishable food with you”, “Material wealth is perishable; The values ​​are […]

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Definition of biological reserve

A biological reserve is a space that is protected and maintained in good preservation conditions due to the relevance it has for the flora, fauna or ecosystem in general. Human beings are responsible for managing the conservation of the environment and minimizing the impact of human activity. It should be noted that […]

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