

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of renewable

The adjective renewable refers to that which has the possibility of being renewed. The verb renew, for its part, is linked to returning something to its first state or leaving it as new. The idea of ​​renewable (and the opposite notion of non-renewable) is usually used to refer to various kinds of resources or […]

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Definition of reduce

Reduce is a term that can refer to returning something to the state it had previously or to decreasing, slowing down, tightening or narrowing something. The etymological origin of the concept is found in Latin, which comes from the verb reducere, made up of the following components: the prefix re-, which means “backwards”; and […]

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Definition of reuse

You have to go to Latin if you want to find the etymological origin of the verb that concerns us now. And it is the result of the sum of three components of said language: • The prefix “re-”, which is used to indicate repetition. • The term “usus”, which can be translated as “use”. • The suffix […]

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Definition of agricultural holding

Agricultural exploitation is the set of socioeconomic activities that allow obtaining wealth from the land. The products obtained through agricultural operations are known as agricultural products, as they include agricultural and livestock production. The etymological origin of the concept that we are going to discuss below is found in Latin.

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Definition of logging

From the French exploitre, exploit is a verb that refers to extracting profits or wealth from an industry or business and using the qualities of a living being or circumstance in an abusive manner. The action and effect of exploiting is called exploitation. Forest, from the Latin forestis, is that which belongs to or relates to […]

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Definition of endemic species

An endemic species is one that is distributed in a small geographical area and is not found naturally in other parts of the world. Endemism, therefore, refers to a species that can only be found naturally in one place. Before moving forward, what we are going to do is find the origin […]

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Definition of parasitism

Parasitism is the type of association and way of life typical of parasites. These organisms live at the expense of other species, on which they feed without actually killing them. With parasitism, one of the species (which acts as host or guest) suffers a weakening of its reproductive capacity due to […]

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Definition of symbiosis

Symbiosis is a concept that comes from Greek and can be translated as "means of subsistence." For biology, it is an associative link developed by specimens of different species. The term is mainly used when the organisms involved (known as symbionts) obtain a benefit from that common existence. Specifically, we can establish […]

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Definition of commensalism

Commensalism is a type of interaction that occurs in biology, where one of the parties obtains some benefit and the other is not favored, but is not harmed either. The concept comes from the Latin expression com mensa, which can be translated as "sharing a table." The original use of the term, therefore, is […]

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Definition of danger of extinction

Danger is the risk of something bad happening. This is a latent situation, with potential harm to the body, the environment or property. The danger can be caused by a physical threat or by an abstract circumstance. It is a term that comes from Latin, more precisely from the word periculum, […]

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