

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of sustenance

Livelihood includes any resource or livelihood necessary to maintain the subsistence or well-being of a person or a community. It can cover food, housing, income, employment, among other things essential to sustaining life. Food Food is a fundamental component of human sustenance. It refers to the act of consuming […]

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Definition of hiking

Hiking is a concept inspired by the idea of ​​a trail that is used to identify a sporting practice chosen, worldwide and during all times of the year, by men and women of different ages and nationalities. Basically, this word refers to the walks that are carried out through different territories […]

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Definition of sea level

Sea level is an expression used to give an idea of ​​the altitude of different corners that are part of the Earth, taking the average ocean level as a reference. In this regard, we cannot fail to take into account that this parameter is neither constant (as a consequence of the tides) nor uniform […]

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Definition of carbon credits

Carbon credits are a resource that allows offsetting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Through this financial instrument, a company or a country can offset those emissions that it was unable to avoid, providing support for a project that benefits the environment. It is usually indicated that these credits […]

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Definition of trail

Sendero is a term from the Latin word semitarius that is taken into account in Spanish when looking for a synonym for concepts such as path or path. They tend to be narrower shortcuts than the paths and many of them, especially those with pedestrian crossings enabled for walking or suitable for walking […]

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Definition of wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment is the set of processes that are carried out to eliminate the contaminants present in water that, coming from homes and industries, contains dirt. This is a very important action for health care. Before moving forward, it is necessary to define what […]

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Definition of environmental legislation

Environmental legislation is the set of laws that are aimed at protecting the environment. These are those regulations that establish obligations aimed at minimizing the damage that activities and behaviors can cause to the planet. It should be noted that legislation is the body of regulations by which […]

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Definition of clean technology

A clean technology is one that contributes to a reduction in environmental impact. The concept refers to devices, services and processes that improve the sustainability of resources and contribute to greater energy efficiency. It should be noted that the idea of ​​technology refers to the set of techniques and postulates that […]

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Definition of blue economy

The blue economy is the set of economic activities that are linked, directly or indirectly, to the ocean, sea or coast. Therefore, it is a concept that refers to the exploitation of oceanic, maritime and coastal resources for economic development. Beyond the breadth […]

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Definition of sanctuary

A sanctuary is a place considered sacred or special because of its association with religion, spirituality, or the protection of nature or wildlife. It can be a building, a natural area, a historical site, or any other place that inspires reverence, devotion, or respect. In the religious context, a sanctuary can […]

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