

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of landfill

A landfill is a space where a city's solid waste is deposited after having received certain treatments. To prevent the subsoil from being contaminated, the ground is waterproofed with high-density polyethylene or another substance and clay is placed. It can be said that landfilling is a technique with […]

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Definition of interspecific relationships

Interspecific relationships are links that occur between organisms that belong to different species. These are interactions that have different characteristics depending on the animals in question. It should be noted that living beings that coexist in an ecosystem develop different types of relationships. In some cases, the links are maintained by copies that belong […]

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Definition of trophic relationships

The living beings that coexist in an ecosystem maintain different links according to their nutrition, positioning themselves as producers, consumers or decomposers depending on the case. Organisms that share the same type of diet, in this way, occupy a certain trophic level. More specifically, we can establish that there are five major trophic levels: -The producers of […]

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Definition of natural region

A natural region is an area whose delimitation is fixed by physical geography. The territory that is considered a natural region exhibits a certain uniformity in terms of its climatic conditions, its vegetation and its relief. It should be noted that region is a word that comes from royal Latin. It is a […]

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Definition of refuge

Refuge is a concept that has its etymological roots in the Latin word refugĭum. It may be the space or the construction that allows you to take refuge (take shelter, shelter). For example: “When the storm broke out, we had to look for a shelter to protect ourselves”, “The explorer built a shelter with branches, stones and leaves and spent more […]

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Definition of reforestation

Reforestation is the process and consequence of reforesting. This verb refers to replanting or cultivating on a surface that had lost its forest (plants, trees, etc.). For example: “The national government announced a new reforestation plan for the north of the country”, “With the aim of counteracting the effects of change […]

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Definition of water resources

The first thing to do before entering fully into the definition of water resources is to know the etymological origin of those two words: -Resources derives from Latin, specifically from "recursus", which refers to making use of the means or assets that someone has to undertake something in […]

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Definition of food web

The structure formed by the feeding interrelationships between the members of an ecosystem is known as a food web. Through this network, the different species transfer nutrients and energy: each species feeds on another and in turn is food for a third. The food network also receives the […]

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Definition of forest resources

Resources are goods or raw materials that are useful for some objective. The concept also refers to what is necessary for subsistence. Forestry, for its part, is the adjective that refers to what is linked to a forest and the extraction or exploitation of its […]

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Definition of renewable resources

Renewable resources are natural assets that can be restored through natural mechanisms, their recovery being faster than the rate of consumption by humans. This means that a renewable resource is not exhausted, since nature is responsible for regenerating it quickly. It should be noted that […]

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