

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of acclimatization

Acclimatization is the act and result of acclimatizing. This verb, which comes from the French acclimater, refers to getting a living being to adapt to a climate or environment other than the one to which it is accustomed. For example: «I recommend that you take this shrub for your garden: it does not require much care and is [...]

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Definition of holly

A holly is a tree that belongs to the Aquifolia family group and is part of the Aquifoliales order. The etymological root of the term is found in aquifolium, a word from the Latin language. The holly, whose scientific name is Ilex aquifolium, usually measures about five meters in height, although […]

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Definition of camping

Camping is a verb that refers to what a person does when they stop walking and temporarily establish themselves in an unpopulated place, usually spending the night in a tent or in an improvised shelter. The term comes from the Italian language. For example: “Let's keep walking until we find a suitable place […]

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Definition of acacia

An acacia is a tree or shrub that belongs to the family group of legumes and the subfamily of mimosaceae. The term comes from the Latin acacĭa, although its etymological root is found in the Greek language. Acacias, which are characterized by the hardness of their wood, produce clusters of aromatic flowers […]

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Definition of organic fertilizer

The concept of fertilizer has different uses, but on this occasion we are interested in sticking with its meaning as the substance that is used to fertilize the land. The adjective organic, for its part, also has several meanings: it can be something that has carbon as its main component. An organic fertilizer, therefore, is […]

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Definition of birch

The birch is a tree of the order Fagales, which is part of the Betulacea family. The genus to which birches belong, on the other hand, is called Betula. There are different species of birch. The common birch (Betula pendula) is native to southwest Asia and is also found on the European continent, […]

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Definition of fir

A fir is a tree that belongs to the Abietaceae or Pinaceae family. It is a genus (Abies) that includes more than fifty species, including primary species and secondary species. It is important to know the etymological origin of this word. This leads us to determine that it derives from the Latin abies – […]

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Definition of zooplankton

Zooplankton is the plankton formed mainly by animal species, which can be present in freshwater or the sea. Taking this definition into account, it is essential to know what plankton is to understand the notion. Plankton is the group of very small organisms that move passively […]

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Definition of zootechnics

Zootechnics is the discipline dedicated to the study of breeding, reproduction and improvement of animals. Its purpose is to achieve the maximum use of animal resources by man, taking into account sustainability and without ignoring the well-being of the specimens. It can be said that zootechnics points out that […]

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Definition of rural area

Zone is a concept with several uses. In this case we are interested in staying with its meaning as the sector of a surface or land. Rural, on the other hand, is that linked to the countryside. The idea of ​​a rural area, therefore, is linked to the territory with a small number of inhabitants where the main […]

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