

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of agrochemicals

Agrochemistry is the specialization of chemistry that consists of the use of organic substances within the framework of an industry and the application of chemical products (such as pesticides and fertilizers) in agricultural activities. By extension, the chemical substance used by humans with the aim of […] is known as an agrochemical.

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Definition of groundwater

Groundwater is water found beneath the earth. It should be noted that water is a substance composed of molecules that have two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Most of our planet's surface is covered by water, an essential element for life. In […]

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Definition of intensive agriculture

Agriculture is the set of tasks that involve tilling and cultivating the land to obtain food and different raw materials that are used in the most varied production processes. Intensive, on the other hand, is an adjective that refers to something that is carried out with greater intensity or energy than usual. HE […]

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Definition of agroecosystem

If we consult the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we will not find references to the concept of agroecosystem. This notion, however, has quite widespread use in our language. An agroecosystem is an ecosystem altered by man for the development of an agricultural operation. It is composed of abiotic and biotic elements that interact between […]

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Definition of family farming

Family farming is a concept that refers to the agricultural work carried out by the members of a family. This type of agriculture involves the use of the family's own labor: that is, those who carry out the tasks are the members of the family nucleus, whether they are men or women. In addition to agricultural production […]

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Definition of wild

Agreste is that which is linked to the countryside (the rural environment). If we review the etymology of the term, we will notice that this adjective comes from agrestis, a word from the Latin language, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). For example: “Fifteen years ago I made the decision to leave the city and since then I have lived […]

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Definition of air-ground

Air-land is an adjective that is used in the military field to describe operations that are carried out with the combined use of ground forces and air forces. Units composed of these two forces are also called air-land forces. The United States Marine Corps, which belongs to […]

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Definition of aquaculture

Aquaculture is the set of techniques used to cultivate water species, both animals and plants. These are procedures that allow aquatic organisms to be raised for different purposes. Aquaculture can be carried out in salt water or fresh water. In some cases, specialists work under controlled conditions arranged so […]

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Definition of aquifer

Before entering fully into clarifying the meaning of the term aquifer, we must know its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it is a word that derives from Latin, since it is the result of the sum of two elements of said language: -The noun aqua, which can be translated as "water." […]

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Definition of aquatic

Aquatic, from the Latin aquatĭcus, is an adjective that qualifies that which is linked to water or that lives in it. Water, on the other hand, is a substance made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, which is colorless, tasteless and odorless. Aquatic animals are the species whose life takes place in the […]

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