

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of bike lane

A bike lane is a lane on a public road whose use is exclusive for bicycles. This means that cars, trucks and motorcycles, among other vehicles, are not allowed to travel on a bike lane. The notion of bike path is not recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), which does admit the term bike path. […]

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Definition of bicycle

The first thing to do before entering fully into establishing the meaning of the term bicycle is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can determine that it is the result of the sum of three components: -The Latin prefix «bi-«, which is equivalent to «two». -The Greek word «kyklos», which can be translated as […]

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Definition of garbage

Garbage is that which causes dirt. The concept came to our language from the Vulgar Latin versūra (an idea linked to the act of sweeping), in turn derived from the Latin word verrĕre. For example: "Stop collecting garbage and start cleaning this pigsty!", "This type of productive activity generates a lot […]

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Definition of fallow

Fallow is a notion originating from the Latin term vervactum that allows us to name the land intended for cultivation but that is not planted for more than a year with the aim of recovering its best conditions. Fallowing is the result of the action of fallow, which consists of plowing the soil without sowing it so that […]

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Definition of water balance

The water balance is the relationship between all the water resources that enter a system and the total resources that leave the same system in a certain period of time. In order to perfectly understand the meaning of the concept, it is necessary to first analyze the origin […]

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Definition of autotrophs

Autotroph is an adjective that is used to describe organisms that can take inorganic substances and transform them into the organic materials they need to survive. Autotrophic organisms, therefore, can synthesize organic substances from other inorganic ones. This means that they do not require feeding on other living beings. The etymology For […]

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Definition of arid

Arid is an adjective that qualifies that which is not very humid and barren. Arid land is very dry and, therefore, is usually infertile. For example: "There is little vegetation in this area since the soil is arid", "What an arid landscape!" It must have been a long time since it rained because of these payments”, “We have to adapt […]

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Definition of green areas

An area is a surface that develops within certain limits. Green, for its part, is the color that is formed from the combination of blue and yellow and is associated with the tone that the leaves of plants usually exhibit. A green area, therefore, is a piece of land […]

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Definition of protected areas

An area, a term that comes from the Latin area, is a space or land that is delimited in some way, whether physical or symbolic. Protected, on the other hand, is that which has protection (protection, shelter). Protected areas, in this framework, are special sectors that are established with the objective of caring for their biodiversity […]

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Definition of archipelago

An archipelago is a group of islands that extends into the ocean. The term comes from the Italian archipelago, in turn derived from a Greek word made up of two components: the adjective archi, which can be translated as "superior"; and the noun piélagos, which is equivalent to “sea.” Archipelagos are made up of various bodies […]

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