

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of quagmire

A quagmire is a place that has a large amount of mud. The term mud, on the other hand, has its etymological origin in the Latin word lutum and refers to the substance that is generated when water mixes with earth. It is common for mud to occur with rain: as […]

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Definition of low water

The lowest flow rate that a watercourse has at one time of the year is known as low water flow. With etymological roots in the French word étiage, dryness is mainly caused by drought. Description and causes It can be said that low water is the lower level of a lake, a river, etc. The concept […]

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Definition of hydrogeology

Hydrogeology is the branch of geology focused on the analysis of groundwater, especially studying how to take advantage of it. Their contributions are key to determining how to provide water to populations. It is important to remember that geology is the science that specializes in the origin, nature, development and […]

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Definition of codeso

The term codeso comes from the Vulgar Latin cutĭsus, in turn derived from the Greek kýtisos. The concept refers to a bush that can measure up to two meters high and that shines with its yellow flowers. Before moving forward, it is important to mention that a bush is a plant that has a […]

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Definition of agroecology

Agroecology is organic farming: the development of crops taking into account the processes of ecology. The idea of ​​ecology, for its part, refers to the study of living beings as members of an ecosystem, emphasizing the links they maintain with the environment and with each other. What agroecology does […]

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Definition of hydrology

Hydrology is the scientific discipline that is dedicated to investigating the waters of planet Earth. It is a specialty focused on the properties, circulation and distribution of rivers, oceans, etc. The field of action of hydrology, in any case, transcends the study of water masses and […]

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Definition of hydro

The compositional element hydro, coming from the Greek hydro, is linked to water. With it multiple concepts can be formed. Seaplane A seaplane, for example, is an aircraft that can take off from and land on the water surface. As you can see, the notion is formed with the compositional element hydro- and the noun airplane. The […]

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Definition of weathering

Weathering is the process that causes a modification of the natural state or position of a rock through a chemical, physical or biological action. Climatic conditions, water and air can cause these alterations. Rock exposed to weathering suffers the loss of material that disintegrates. In this case, […]

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Definition of puja

The concept of puja has different uses according to the context. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the term may come from the Vulgar Latin pugia and refer to a sharp point. End of the pole The puya, in this sense, is the tip that is at the end of the […]

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Definition of plankton

Plankton is a term from the Greek word plankton that can be translated as that which "wanders." The idea of ​​plankton refers to the set of plants and animal species of tiny size that live in fresh or salt waters and move by the action of currents. In addition to everything indicated, not […]

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