

Latest articles in Ecology

Definition of nature

Natura, a term from the Latin word natūra, is usually used to refer to nature: the set of what exists, which is determined and balanced based on its own laws. Many times the idea of ​​nature refers to the physical or material universe that is generated and develops without the intervention of being […]

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Definition of ecomap

Ecomapa is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). This is a concept that is used above all in the field of social work. Relationships with the environment The tool that makes it possible to identify the interrelationships established by a family group with […]

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Definition of clover

The term clover comes from a word in the Catalan language, in turn derived from the Greek triphyllon. A clover is a herbaceous plant that is part of the Papilionaceae family group (whose flowers have a butterfly-shaped corolla). Trifolium Belonging to the genus Trifolium, clovers can reach a height of twenty […]

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Definition of mesophile

Mesophile is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept is used in the field of botany to refer to the material found inside the leaves of plants. Between the upper surface and the lower surface The mesophyll, or mesophyll, is located between […]

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Definition of wind turbine

A wind turbine is a device that, using bladed rotors, produces electrical energy from wind energy. The concept is formed with the compositional element aero- (which refers to “air”) and the term generator (a machine that generates energy or force). Energy transformation Before moving forward with the definition of […]

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Definition of ethnoecology

Ethnoecology is a concept that is not included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In any case, it is possible to get closer to its meaning if we pay attention to its components. Culture and nature The compositional element ethno-, which comes from the Greek word éthnos, can refer to “the people.” The noun ecology, meanwhile, refers […]

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Definition of trophic

The term Trophic is used to refer to that linked to nutrition (the act and result of nourishing). It is an adjective that has its etymological root in the Greek word trophós, which can be translated as "food." Before moving forward, therefore, it is important to know what nourishing entails. This is […]

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Definition of biological interaction

Interaction is an action exercised reciprocally between two or more individuals, functions or elements. Interactions imply the existence of some type of link. The biological, meanwhile, refers to something that is associated with biology. This is the name given to the science dedicated to the study of living beings. Relationship […]

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Definition of Anthropocene

Anthropocene is defined as a new geological epoch, which would be the current one. This concept is a frequent cause of debate in the scientific community, so it admits more than one interpretation. For example, there are experts who do not accept the definition just presented, since they consider that we are still living in the Holocene, which began […]

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Definition of neutralism

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines neutralism as the propensity to remain neutral. The term is usually used with reference to international conflicts, although it can also be used in other contexts. In politics Before moving forward with the definition of neutralism, it is important to stop at the idea of ​​neutral. So […]

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