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Definition of parkour

Parkour is a non-competitive physical activity based on the motor skills of people. The discipline consists of moving in a straight line overcoming obstacles on the ground without the use of accessories, supports or props of any kind. Those who practice parkour must develop their ability to move to the maximum, adapting to the environment […]

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Definition of paragliding

Paragliding is a concept derived from the French language and formed as an acronym for parachute (which translates as “parachute”) and pente (translatable as “slope”). This is the name given to the sporting activity that involves the development of a controlled descent after being dragged by a boat or throwing oneself from a slope with a […]

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Definition of parachute

A parachute is a device made of cloth or other strong material that reduces the speed of a body falling from a great height. It is a device used by those who, as a hobby or for another reason, jump from an airplane, helicopter or other aircraft. Parachutes, when opened, are capable of […]

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Definition of palmares

In French we can establish that the etymological origin of the term palmares that concerns us is found. Exactly, it comes from the Gallic word «palmarès» which, in turn, emanates from Latin. Specifically, it emanates from «palmares», which can be translated as «the one who deserves a palm». And it is that both in Ancient Greece and in […]

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Definition of opponent

Opponent is an adjective used to describe that which opposes or opposes. The verb oppose, meanwhile, refers to contradicting, objecting or challenging, or to being located in front of something. For example: “The American boxer already has an opponent: he will defend his belt against an experienced Mexican boxer”, “The president […]

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Definition of nautical

Nautical is a term that comes from the Latin word nautĭcus, which in turn is derived from the Greek nautikós. Specifically, we have to explain that this Greek word is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language: -The noun «naus», which can be translated as «ship» or «boat». -The suffix «-tico», which is used […]

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Definition of MMA

MMA is an acronym that has several uses. One of the most common ones appears in the field of combat sports and refers to mixed martial arts. In MMA, therefore, techniques from different specialties are combined to develop a unique technique.

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Definition of march

The first thing we are going to do in order to understand the meaning of the term march is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that it is a word that comes from French, specifically from the verb “marcher”. March is the act of marching: moving, advancing, functioning. The concept has several uses […]

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Definition of marathon

The term marathon comes from Marathṓn, the name of a town in Greece. Historians say that in 490 BC, a Greek soldier ran from that city to Athens, about 42 kilometers away, to announce the military victory over the Persians. Today, a marathon is a competition […]

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Definition of struggle

The notion of wrestling has several uses. The term, derived from the Latin word lucta, can be used in reference to a combat sport in which each fighter tries to knock down his opponent. In wrestling, therefore, athletes use various techniques and holds to get their opponent to fall to the ground.

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