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Definition of guardray

Guardarraya is the limit of an estate, the boundary of a sector of land that belongs to a family group. This is the meaning that the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes for this feminine noun, according to its use in the Antilles. Milestone, sign or milestone A guard line, in this frame, […]

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Definition of pole

A pole is a rod. Depending on the context, the term can be used to refer to different objects. Different types of poles The first meaning that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) mentions in its dictionary refers to the stake that has an iron with a harpoon to prevent it from detaching. In the field of […]

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Definition of jump

The verb jump has several meanings. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to jumping: the action that leads to lifting both feet from the surface. Some examples For example: “When I was a boy I enjoyed jumping over the puddles that formed with the rain”, “When […]

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Definition of hiker

A hiker is an individual who goes on excursions, whether for leisure purposes, for physical exercise, or with the intention of researching something. An excursion, meanwhile, involves a trip or walk. The tourism industry typically considers a day tripper to be a day visitor. That is, a person who reaches a […]

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Definition of nastia

The movement that a plant makes when it receives a diffuse stimulus is called nastia. This temporary response, which leads the specimen to move certain organs, may be due to its own growth or to an influence that comes from outside. The direction of the stimulus that causes nausea does not affect the resulting movement. That is why […]

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Definition of racquetball

The term racquetball, which can also be written as racquetbol (with an accent on the A) as indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, comes from the English word racquetball. It is a sport played using a racket with a short handle. General description With characteristics similar to those of squash, racquetball […]

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Definition of keel

The French word quille came into our language as keel. The term is used with reference to a piece used in boats to seat the frame. The keel, which can be made of iron or wood, is located in the lower section of the ship. It is considered a key structural element, since […]

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Definition of kick

A kick is a blow applied with the toe of one foot. It may be a physical attack or an action carried out to move a ball. A direct attack Suppose someone kicks another person, impacting the tip of their foot against some part of their body […]

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Definition of body practices

The notion of bodily practices refers, in its broadest meaning, to the movement carried out by a person that generates a certain expenditure of energy and modifies the state of rest. This activity can go beyond the instrumental. Relationship between the person and their body Body practices are linked to the biological structure […]

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Definition of goal

The etymological origin of the term goal that we are now going to address, we have to establish that it is found in Latin. Specifically, it must be emphasized that it derives from the word “porta”, which can be translated as “door”. The notion of goal has several uses. In the field of sport, the term refers to the framework where […]

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