

Latest articles in Sport

Definition of pass

Pass is the procedure and the results of the verb pass. A pass, therefore, can be the consequence of moving to a place, of giving something to another person or of moving forward. In the field of sport, passes consist of sending the ball to a teammate. For example: “Cristiano Ronaldo scored […]

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Definition of palestra

The palestra is the place where, in ancient times, fights took place. A Greek word that can be translated as “to fight” was transformed, in Latin, into palaestra, which is the closest etymological antecedent of the term used in our language. The palestra, therefore, was the space where fighting was taught […]

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Definition of Olympiad

Olympiad is a word that can also be written and pronounced as olimpíada, with an accent on the second letter I. Derived from the Latin word Olympĭas, although with more distant antecedents in the Greek language, the term can refer to different things. The notion arises from the games that, organized every 4 years, took place in Olympia, […]

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Definition of offside

Offside is the name given to a rule applied in football. Also known as offside position, it penalises a player who, in the context of an offensive situation, is in a position considered to be illegal. It is difficult to explain how this rule works, but it is not clear how the player is offside.

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Definition of trot

There are no conclusive statements about the etymological origin of the term trot. While some experts believe that it comes from the verb “trotter”, others believe that it comes from the medieval Latin “trottare”. Trotting is a type of movement. It is a fast walk: the person or animal that walks is […]

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Definition of boxer

Boxer is a noun that comes from pugil, a Latin term. The meanings given in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refer to the person who is dedicated to fighting with his own hands. The Latin pugil, in turn, comes from the adjective pugnax -which can be translated as “combative”- and which derives from […]

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Definition of pivot

Pivot is a term that comes from the French language (pivot). The concept can be used to name the tip of an object on which another different object is introduced or held, making one able to rotate on the other. This type of pivot is common in mechanisms formed by […]

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Definition of track

A clue is a trace, sign or indication that allows progress in an investigation. Clues are certain pieces of information that, once discovered or noticed, serve to infer or deduce new data. For example: “The detective found important clues at the crime scene”, “An anonymous message was left under my door and […]

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Definition of quadrilateral

Quadrilateral is a concept used to name something that has four sides. Before going into the meaning of the term, it is important to determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we can say that it is a word that comes from Latin, from the word quadrilaterus, which can be used to refer to a quadrilateral or a quadrilateral.

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Definition of physical conditioning

Conditioning is a verb that refers to attempts to arrange certain things or factors in a way to achieve a certain condition. Conditioning, therefore, is said procedure or the consequences of the arrangement in question. Physics, on the other hand, is a science dedicated to the analysis of natural properties […]

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