

Latest articles in Sport

Definition of raid

Raid is a term that comes from English and can be used to name a certain incursion or a challenge. The concept is used in the sports field in reference to an endurance competition, which involves covering very long distances. The idea of ​​​​adventure raid is used to name a race […]

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Definition of rafting

Rafting is a term that does not appear in the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept, however, is very common in the field of adventure tourism and water sports. Rafting consists of going down a river aboard a rowing boat. Oars are used to […]

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Definition of quad

Quad is a term that does not appear in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept, however, is used in various ways in our language. A quad can be a four-wheeler, also known as a quad bike. It is a vehicle similar to a motorcycle or a tricycle, although, as its name suggests, it is not a quad bike.

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Definition of aim

Marksmanship is a term that comes from the word pointer. It is what a person does when he points a weapon at the target he intends to hit. The concept refers both to the action and the direction in which it is aimed and to the subject's ability to hit. For example: “I started practicing shooting […]

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Definition of score

Score is a concept used in several Latin American countries to refer to the points that an athlete or a team has earned in the framework of a competition. Points, in this sense, reflect the annotations or achievements. For example: “The Russian gymnast obtained the ideal score in the first stage of the […]

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Definition of track test

Athletics is the name given to the grouping of various sports disciplines, which consist of different throwing, jumping and running competitions. According to their characteristics, these athletic events can be classified in different ways. Track events are those that take place on a circuit. The track in question is usually oval-shaped: […]

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Definition of physical preparation

Physical fitness is the training that a person does to be in a condition to perform a certain activity. Through certain exercises and a healthy diet, an individual can “prepare” his or her body to face a certain challenge. For example: “The club president is angry with the person in charge of physical fitness […]

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Definition of medal

Presea is a term derived from the Latin word praesidĭa that can be used to name a jewel or a relic of great value. The most frequent use of the concept, however, is linked to the prize awarded to the winner of a contest or competition. Presea, in this sense, can be a […]

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Definition of muscle power

The notion of muscular power refers to the force that a person can apply with a movement and the speed with which said application is carried out. It is, therefore, the capacity of an individual to exert force quickly. Another way of understanding the concept of muscular power is as a […]

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Definition of aerobic power

Aerobic power is the organic capacity to carry out physical activities sustained over time with reduced fatigue and rapid recovery. The notion of aerobiosis refers to life in an environment with oxygen; in this case, the notion of aerobic is related to the possibility of developing work with oxygen […]

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