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Definition of maximum strength

In physics, a force is the cause that can deform a body or change its state of motion or rest. The concept is usually linked to the ability to support a weight, move something or resist a push. The maximum, on the other hand, is the extreme or upper limit that something can reach. […]

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Definition of fitness

The concept of fitness is not included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The term, which belongs to the English language, is used in our language to refer to exercises that allow us to maintain a good physical shape. When we talk about fitness, therefore, we are referring to a practice that is […]

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Definition of FIFA

FIFA is the acronym for Fédération Internationale de Football Association: in our language, International Federation of Association Football. It is the most important body in world football, as it brings together all the national federations of this sport. FIFA, whose headquarters are located in the Swiss city of Zurich, brings together more than 1000 […]

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Definition of speleology

Before going into the meaning of the term speleology, it is necessary to proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Greek, since it is the result of the sum of two lexical components of that language: -The noun “spélaion”, which can be translated as […]

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Definition of skiing

The term ski comes from the French word ski, which in turn comes from the Norwegian language. This is the name given to an elongated skate used to slide on water or snow. By extension, skiing is the sport and recreational activity carried out on these boards. For example: “At the last Olympic Games […]

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Definition of fencing

Fencing is the skill of wielding: handling a sword, protecting oneself from the attacks of the opponent and attacking; or using something as a weapon to achieve a certain objective. The most common use of the concept refers to a sport that is part of the Olympic Games. This combat sport discipline pits two people against each other […]

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Definition of fencing

Although the etymological path of the verb esgrimir is not clear, it is believed that the term could derive from the Occitan escremir, linked to the practice of fencing. The first meaning mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), in this sense, refers to the handling of the sword and other types of bladed weapons. […]

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Definition of sprain

A sprain is an injury that occurs when a joint or ligament is twisted or stretched suddenly and excessively, causing pain. Sprains cause inflammation in the affected area, where a hematoma also appears due to the accumulation of blood. These injuries, which prevent normal joint mobility, can cause pain and injury.

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Definition of diving suit

The French inventor, mathematician and religious man Jean-Baptiste de La Chapelle (1710-1792) coined the term scaphandre to refer to a kind of flotation suit made of cork that he invented in 1775. To give form to this term he resorted to the sum of two lexical components of Greek, such as the following: -The noun “skáphos”, which means […]

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Definition of horse riding

The Latin word equitatio came to Spanish as equitation and is used to refer to the discipline linked to the handling of an equine. It is a specialty of horse riding that is usually treated as both an art and a sport and in whose practice the athletes (called amazons, if they are women; riders, if they are women) […]

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