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Definition of language practices

The idea of ​​language practices is used in the field of education to refer to the content and exercises related to reading, writing and oral communication. These practices range from knowledge of the rules that make up the system known as language to the use of that code in […]

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Definition of post-avant-garde

Following postmodernism and the avant-garde, a movement known as post-avant-garde began to develop in Latin America in the middle of the 20th century. This movement opposed many of the postulates of so-called classical poetry. Before moving forward with the definition, it is important to remember that postmodernism was born in opposition to the refinement of […]

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Definition of hairpiece

The etymology of postizo refers to the Latin word positicius. This word was formed by joining two elements: the word “positus”, which can be translated as “position”, and the suffix “-icius”, which is equivalent to “similarity”. A postizo is something that is not proper or natural, but an imitation or an addition. Among other things, […]

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Definition of Post-Impressionism

Post-Impressionism is an artistic movement that emerged at the end of the 19th century. Also referred to as post-impressionism according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, it emerged as a response to impressionism. To define what post-impressionism is, therefore, we must first refer to impressionism. This is the name given to a movement that […]

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Definition of wicket gate

The idea of ​​a wicket, which comes from the Latin word postīcum, is used to refer to different types of doors. It can be a false door, a secondary door or a small door that is part of a larger one. In this context, a wicket is called a shutter. In this case, it is a door that is […]

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Definition of postpreterite

The term postpretérito, accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) as postpretérito, refers to a verbal tense. It is the tense also known as simple conditional. It is important to remember that conditionals, in the field of grammar, are those tenses that place the action expressed by the verb at a point that is prior to the action […]

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Definition of postpone

The verb posponer, also accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) as postponer, refers to placing something or someone after another thing or individual. In this way, what is postponed is given a lower value or importance. For example: “You should not privilege work and postpone your family”, […]

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Definition of spokesperson

A spokesperson is an individual who is authorized to speak on behalf of another subject, an organization or an institution. The spokesperson, therefore, expresses what a different person, group or entity intends to communicate. It is a term that does not change gender. This means that […]

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Definition of picture frame

It is common to find the term portaretrato written in reference to the portable frame used to display photographs. However, this concept carries a spelling mistake since its correct form is portaretrato, with a double R after the first A and before the E. This is because the letter R is a […]

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Definition of blueprint holder

A blueprint holder is a product designed to store blueprints: that is, two-dimensional documents that are used to represent, through diagrams and scales, buildings, devices or territories. Blueprint holders are cylindrical in shape, since the papers must be stored rolled up. Engineers and architects often work with blueprints. To represent a surface, they need to be rolled up.

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