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Definition of pulperia

The term pulpería is used in several Latin American countries to refer to the business where food and various frequently used products are offered. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the term derives from pulp, since in the beginning they sold fruits and sweets that were made from pulp.

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Definition of staging

The term staging is used in a number of different contexts. The expression originated in the field of performing arts to refer to the general design of a production, although its definition is often somewhat imprecise. Staging is usually linked to the audiovisual composition of a work. It is a […]

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Definition of musical bridge

The notion of bridge has more than a dozen meanings in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In the field of music, the term can be used to refer to a piece of certain instruments or to a part of a song. A bridge is a kind of board that is installed […]

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Definition of stew

The term puchero, which comes from the Latin word pultarius, has two main uses. The concept refers to a type of vessel and a gastronomic preparation that, in its origins, was made in said container. Cooking container Therefore, a puchero is a type of pot that has one or two handles. […]

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Definition of display advertising

Advertising is the name given to an announcement that aims to attract the attention of potential users, clients, buyers, etc. Graphic, meanwhile, is that which is represented through lines, signs or figures. Evolution of graphic advertising For a long time, the idea of ​​graphic advertising referred to the presentation of static images in a […]

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Definition of publication

Publication is the act and consequence of publishing: to disseminate something or make it known through printing or another mechanism. The term is often used to refer to printed text. From paper to the Internet Newspapers, magazines and books, in this context, are publications. For example: “A publication specializing in […]

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Definition of PSD

PSD is an acronym that can come from various expressions. In the field of computing, it refers to PhotoShop Document: that is, PhotoShop Document. PSD is known as the standard format of the Adobe Photoshop program. The extension of this type of file is .psd. The Adobe Photoshop program It should be remembered that Adobe Photoshop is a […]

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Definition of next

The Latin word proxĭmus came to our language as next. The term can be used to refer to something that is close in time or space. For example: “Next Monday is the deadline for receiving works that aspire to win the National Literature Prize”, “Don’t worry, we will buy something […]

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Definition of coming from

The adjective “originating” is used to describe that or that which comes from: that is, that comes from a certain place, from another element or from another person. The term can be used in multiple contexts. For example: “The Italian designer presented his brand new collection of jewelry, made with precious stones from the Asian continent”, “The […]

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Definition of prosopopoeia

The notion of prosopopeia comes from the Greek word prosōpopoiḯa. The term is used in the field of rhetoric to refer to a literary figure that allows attributing qualities of human beings to animals or plants. Personification The concept is also used to endow abstract or inanimate elements with the characteristics of […]

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