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Definition of heraldry

Heraldry is the art or science of blazonry: the description of coats of arms. A coat of arms, meanwhile, is an emblem through which a family or a State is represented. Law, art and history Heraldry can be said to combine elements of law, art and history.

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Definition of basketry

Basketry is the place where baskets or baskets are manufactured and/or sold. The term is also used to refer to the art of making this type of product. Basket making Basketry, in short, is the activity carried out by those who make baskets. These individuals, meanwhile, are called basket makers or basket makers. The […]

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Definition of aesthetic

The adjective aesthetic is used to refer to something that is linked to aesthetics. This concept (aesthetics) has several uses. Analysis of beauty Aesthetics is understood as the discipline that is dedicated to analyzing beauty. By extension, aesthetics is associated with how beauty is perceived and appreciated and the set of […]

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Definition of epigraphy

The Greek word epigraphḗ, which can be translated as “inscription”, came to modern Latin as epigraphia. In Spanish, the concept became epigraphy: this is the name given to the scientific discipline that is dedicated to analyzing inscriptions. The term inscription, meanwhile, has several uses. On this occasion, we will focus on its meaning as a […]

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Definition of argumentation

The term argumentation, derived from the Latin word argumentatio, refers to the act of arguing: applying or expressing an argument. The idea of ​​argument, meanwhile, refers to the reasoning that is pronounced to convince someone or as proof. Obtaining conclusions Argumentation is understood as the way in which, by resorting to logic, conclusions are obtained […]

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Definition of hyperbaton

The etymological journey of hyperbaton begins with the Greek word hyperbaton, which derived from the Latin hyperbăton. The concept is used in the field of rhetoric to refer to a change implemented in the usual order of words in a speech. It modifies conventional syntax. Hyperbaton, therefore, […]

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Definition of phonetics

The Greek word phōnḗ, which can be translated as “voice” or “sound”, derived into phōnētikós. This term, in turn, gave rise in modern Latin to phoneticus. Sounds of speech The idea came to our language as phonetics, which can be used as an adjective or as a noun. According to the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Academy […]

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Definition of preterite

The notion of copretérito, proposed by the Venezuelan-Chilean humanist Andrés Bello, refers to the imperfect preterite. It is a verbal tense characterized by generally referring to an action that took place simultaneously with another past action. At the same time In the copretérito, time limits are not usually too relevant. The verb in the copretérito, from […]

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Definition of aesthetics

Aesthetics is a term derived from the modern Latin aesthetica, which in turn comes from the Greek aisthētikḗ (which refers to “knowledge acquired through the senses”). The concept can be used in different ways depending on the context. Aesthetics is the discipline dedicated to the analysis of beauty and philosophy […]

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Definition of ravioli

The notion of ravioli comes from the Italian word raviolo, which refers to a small square of filled pasta. A ravioli, ravioli or raviole, therefore, is a pasta made with flour that is filled with vegetables, meat, ricotta (cottage cheese) or another ingredient. Ravioli or ravioli are a very popular food in many […]

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