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Definition of exhortation

A letter is a letter that a court or judge sends to another court requesting collaboration for the development of a procedural act that is beyond the area of ​​its jurisdiction. A letter, in this context, is a written communication. A procedural act must be voluntary and be within the limits of the […]

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Definition of room

The etymology of room takes us to the Latin word habitatǐo. The most common use of the term refers to the space or environment of a home. Rooms are the places that are established by walls inside a building. Generally, each room has a specific function: there are rooms for eating, rooms for […]

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Definition of dialectology

Dialectology is the analysis of dialects. A dialect, on the other hand, is a linguistic variety that does not reach the category of language. It is important to mention that dialect and language (or idiom), in any case, are concepts with somewhat diffuse boundaries. A language is a system of verbal communication that usually has […]

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Definition of hemerography

The notion of hemerography is not included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). However, it is a neologism that can be considered appropriate to refer to the action and result of collecting, describing and analyzing journalistic content. Hemero- comes from the Greek language and is linked to the “day”. The compositional element […]

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Definition of helpless

The Latin word inermis came to our language as inerme. In the field of biology, the concept is used to describe a plant that lacks thorns, spines or prickles. A defenseless plant, therefore, does not have this type of defensive resources. Several species have the term in their scientific name, […]

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Definition of suppress

The Latin word supprimĕre came to Spanish as suprimir. This is the name given to the action that consists of removing something or making it cease to exist. Eliminate or remove For example: «The organizers of the festival announced that this year they will be forced to cancel several shows for budgetary reasons», «According to different sources, […]

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Definition of pun

The notion of retruécano comes from retrocar: to exchange again (change). The term is used to refer to the wordplay that is generated from a repetition. In rhetoric For rhetoric, retruécano consists specifically of presenting the terms of a proposition and then reversing them in the next one, in such a way that […]

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Definition of indigenism

The concept of indigenism can be understood in different ways. According to the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, this is the name given to the set of studies focused on the aboriginal populations of the American continent that are currently found in nations where there is a predominance of European civilization. […]

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Definition of cover

The notion of caratula has several uses. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to a mask used to conceal the face. The term caratula can even be used in reference to the face: the front part of the head or face. Other uses of the term caratula are […]

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Definition of intonation

The concept of intonation refers to the act and result of intoning: giving a certain tone or adjusting to it. The term is often used to name the melodic features used in an utterance. Intonation, in this context, is formed by the characteristics given to the sound in terms of its intensity, duration and […]

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