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Definition of artificer

The Latin word artĭfex came to our language as artifice. This is the name given to the individual who creates or develops something. It is common for the concept to be used in relation to the execution of a work with skill or mastery. In this context, the idea of ​​artifice often appears as a synonym for artist or author. […]

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Definition of implausible

The adjective implausible is used to describe something that is not credible. The term, therefore, is used for something that is not credible or does not seem to be true. For example: “Yesterday I was surprised to see an implausible video on Instagram of a dog driving a car”, “The senator’s complaint is […]

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Definition of enlargement

Enlargement is the act and consequence of enlarging: to enlarge, to extend. The term has several uses depending on the context. Larger copies An enlarged text or image is called an enlargement. Enlargements are usually copies of photographs that are larger in size compared to the negative that was used for their […]

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Definition of cosmetology

Cosmetology is a term derived from the French word cosmétologie, which in turn is derived from the Greek word kosmētós (which can be translated as “grooming”). It is the art and technique of applying cosmetic products. Physical Beautification Also known as cosmetics, cosmetology is dedicated to the creation and use of substances that help […]

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Definition of desolation

With its etymological origin in the Latin word desolatio, desolation is the act and result of becoming desolate or desolating. This verb (desolar), meanwhile, refers to destroying or causing sadness or anguish. It can be said that desolation appears with something destroyed or ruined. Let us suppose that, in a certain territory, a bloody civil war develops. […]

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Definition of unilateral

The adjective unilateral is used to describe something that is linked to or affects only one part or dimension of something. The term can also refer to something that is located only on one side. A unilateral contract, in this context, establishes obligations only for one of the parties. When the contract produces obligations […]

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Definition of Creole

The notion of criollismo refers to the Creole characteristic. The term is also used to refer to the position that leads to the exaltation of the properties of the Creole. Before moving forward, it is important to know what the idea of ​​​​criollo refers to. A Creole individual is one who was born in a former European colony […]

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Definition of homograph

The term homograph is used in the field of linguistics to refer to a word that is written in the same way as another. This means that homographs have identical spelling. Homography implies that words that have different meanings are written the same. Therefore, there is an orthographic coincidence between […]

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Definition of girlfriend

The Latin word novius, derived from novus (that is, “new”), came to Spanish as boyfriend or girlfriend. This is the name given to a person who is in a romantic relationship with another person. Woman in a couple This bond is called courtship. Traditionally it was understood that it was a stage prior to marriage, although in […]

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Definition of barbarism

The etymology of barbarism leads us to the Latin word barbarismus, which in turn derives from the Greek barbarismós. The term has several uses depending on the context. Associated with barbarism In colloquial language, barbarism is associated with barbarism, in the sense of the absence of civility or culture. It can also refer to […]

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