

Latest articles in Culture

Definition of a crowd

A mob is a crowd that moves and acts without order and in a noisy manner. The term also refers to those things that are arranged and develop in a disorganized way. For example: «Everything got out of control when a man, in the middle of the mob, pulled a gun from his pocket and began to shoot […]

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Definition of morphosyntax

Morphosyntax is the area of ​​grammar that is responsible for the integration of syntax and morphology. As you can see, to understand the concept it is necessary to first pay attention to other terms. Grammar, syntax and morphology We said that morphosyntax is part of grammar: this is the name given to the sector of […]

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Definition of rebuke

The notion of rebuke, derived from the Latin word redarguĕre, is used in reference to the action of turning an argument against the person who presents it. This verb is linked to argue: to cite or invoke a reason against or in favor of something or someone. Refuting arguments When rebuking, the arguments put forward by the person are refuted.

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Definition of syneresis

The Greek word synaireîn, translatable as “to take together”, derived into synaíresis, which reached late Latin as synaerĕsis. The idea arrived in our language as syneresis. Fusion of syllables In the field of metrics, syneresis consists of joining in the same syllable adjacent vowels whose usual pronunciation is carried out in different syllables. […]

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Definition of subgenre

A genre is a set of elements that share certain traits. These genres can be divided into specific groups known as subgenres. A subgenre, then, is a subdivision of a genre. The notion appears in the field of various branches of art (such as music, literature and cinema) and in the field of […]

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Definition of gloomy

The Latin word lubrĭcus, which can be translated as “slippery”, came to our language as gloomy. The term is used as an adjective to describe something that is gloomy or sombre. For example: “The gloominess of the place distressed the child, who soon began to look for a way out”, “The hotel seems somewhat gloomy to me: it is old and […]

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Definition of chronic

The term chronic comes from the Latin word chronĭcus, which has its most distant etymological antecedent in the Greek chroniká. The concept is used in different ways depending on the context. In the field of medicine, a chronic condition is one that extends over time and is habitual for the patient. These conditions are […]

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Definition of dissertation

Dissertation is a concept that derives from the Latin word dissertatio. The term refers to the act and result of dissertation: to present a topic in a methodical and detailed manner. Some examples Let’s look at the term in context with the help of some example sentences: “The Minister of Economy’s dissertation was followed with great attention […]

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Definition of androcentrism

Androcentrism is the position that places the male at the center. This means that social ties and the vision of reality are constructed according to the male perspective. Privilege of the male Androcentrism encompasses various practices and conditions that privilege the male to the detriment of the female. In this way, the male […]

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Definition of nineteenth century

Nineteenth-century is an adjective used to refer to anything related to the 19th century. This means that the nineteenth century occurred, took place or had influence between January 1, 1801 and December 31, 1900. Nineteenth-century era The nineteenth century was characterized by great social and economic transformations. […]

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