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Definition of overstress

A word is overstressed when its prosodic accent falls on a syllable preceding the third to last. The term can also be described as overstressed (with a single E) or as superproparoxytone. Orthographic accent or tilde Before continuing, it is important to note that the prosodic accent is a relief or intensification of the […]

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Definition of unison

Originating from the Latin word unisŏnus, the term unison refers to something that has the same sound or tone as another element. The concept can also be used to name a musical fragment with instruments or voices that sound at the same tones. Musical interval When two tones have the same pitch, although they are perceived as […]

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Definition of dough

The term amasijo refers to the kneaded flour used to make bread. The term refers to a dough that, when mixed with other ingredients, allows a culinary preparation to progress towards the end. The dough is usually made with flour and water. It often also includes salt. Once the dough is made, its shape is […]

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Definition of obstacle

The Latin word obex, which can be translated as “obstacle”, came to Spanish as óbice. This is how we refer to a hurdle or a difficulty. For example: “Physical problems have not been an obstacle for the Swiss tennis player, who easily beat his rival and qualified for the semi-finals of the tournament”, “The high prices […]

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Definition of technicality

The condition of being a technician is called technicality. In this context, it can be said that technicality is linked to mastering or executing a technique: a set of resources and actions that allow the development of an artistic or scientific practice. For example: «He is a highly technical chef who knows the chemical properties of all […]

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Definition of forge

The idea of ​​forging has several uses. The term comes from fabricāre, a word from the Latin language. The first meaning of forging mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the forging of metals. The action of forging, meanwhile, consists of giving shape to a metal element by making […]

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Definition of film library

A film library is a space that stores films for exhibition and study. Sometimes, the term refers specifically to the room where the screenings are held. It is worth remembering that a film is a movie: a tape with images that, when projected on a screen, generates the illusion of movement. For example, a film library is a space that stores films for exhibition and study.

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Definition of witchcraft

Witchcraft is the act and art of casting a spell: performing a magical practice. The person who carries out this type of act is called a sorcerer. Before moving forward, it is important to note that witchcraft belongs to the realm of fiction and superstition. From a scientific perspective, there is no evidence that […]

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Definition of charlatan

A charlatan is an individual who talks excessively, usually without any substance or content to his words. The term has its etymological root in the Italian word ciarlatano. On the other hand, it also refers to a bird of the thrush family. Nuances of meaning There are different nuances in the use of […]

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Definition of erroneous

Originating from the Latin erroneus, erroneous is an adjective that refers to something that involves or presents an error. Errors, meanwhile, are mistakes or faults. Some examples Let’s look at the term in context through the following example sentences: “Due to an erroneous calculation of the taxes that had to be paid, the […]

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