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Definition of cyclops

The notion of cyclops comes from the Latin word cyclops, which in turn is derived from the Greek kýklōps. A cyclops is a giant with a single eye, located in the middle of his forehead. Cyclops are creatures from Greco-Roman mythology. According to tradition, they were a race of humanoid beings of […]

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Definition of shudder

The verb estremecer refers to making something tremble. Tremble, meanwhile, refers to shaking, moving with jolts that can be caused by different reasons. Returning to the idea of ​​​​estremecer, it can refer to a physical effect generated by a roar or an impact. For example: “The beginning of the concert made the windows of my […]

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Definition of enjambment

The notion of enjambment has several uses. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the gun carriage that was used to secure or mount the artillery. The enjambment or gun carriage, in this context, is a frame. The artillery was placed on this structure: mortars, cannons, etc. In a […]

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Definition of auto sacramental

An auto sacramental is a play of a religious nature. It is a liturgical drama that usually has one act and is based on allegories. From the 16th to the 18th century, it was common for the auto sacramental to be performed during Corpus Christi. However, in 1765 this genre was replaced by a play of religious significance.

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Definition of appreciation

Appreciation is the act and result of appreciating. This verb (appreciate), in turn, has multiple meanings: it can refer to perceiving something through the senses; increasing the value of a coin; or defining the price of an item. Appreciation as reflection or interpretation The term is also often used in relation to the valuation […]

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Definition of parallelepiped

The Greek word parallēlepípedon derived from the late Latin parallelepipĕdum, which is the closest etymological antecedent of parallelepiped: a geometric body that is limited by six parallelograms and that has its opposite faces parallel and equal. It should be noted that, in geometry, a body or solid is an object that presents the three dimensions […]

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Definition of algazara

The etymological journey of algazara begins in classical Arabic ḡazārah, which can be translated as “abundance”. This word passed into Hispanic Arabic as alḡazara, linked to “loquacity”. Algazara is the name given to the noise or clamor that is produced by satisfaction or joy. Algazara can come from a person or a group […]

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Definition of chromatic

The Greek word chrōmatikós derived from the Latin chromatĭcus, which in turn came to Spanish as chromatic. This term refers to that which is linked to colors. To know what the idea of ​​chromatic refers to, therefore, it is essential to define what a color is. This is the name given to the sensation that colors generate […]

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Definition of shame

The etymology of the word “baldon” takes us back to the Old French word “bandon,” which in turn comes from the Frankish word “bann” (which can be translated as “command”). A “baldon” is an insult or an offense. The concept can refer to an insult, but also to the thing or individual that constitutes a “baddon.” For example: “I am not going to […]

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Definition of subterfuge

Subterfuge is a concept derived from the Latin subterfugium. The term refers to an excuse or a way out that allows one to avoid a situation or escape from it. For example: “The company's call for a dialogue with union representatives is nothing more than a subterfuge to continue delaying payment of the […]

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