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Definition of metate

The term metate, derived from the Nahuatl word métatl, is used to refer to the stone used to manually grind various types of grains. The element used to grind on this surface is called metlapil. The metate, therefore, is a type of mortar. In regions that currently form part of the Nahuatl region, the stone is used to grind grains.

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Definition of collegiate

The Latin word colligĕre came to Spanish as colegir. The term has two meanings in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The first meaning mentioned by the RAE refers to joining together. Colegir, in this sense, implies agglutinating, uniting or piling up elements. Regarding its etymology, we can note that the Latin word before colligĕre […]

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Definition of golden

Originating from the Latin word aureus, the term golden is used to describe something that is gold or similar to this metal. The adjective is also used to refer to something golden. Example sentences The use of the concept often appears in poetic language. For example: “The sunset […]

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Definition of sift

The notion of sifting is used as a synonym for sifting, which in turn has several meanings. Both terms can be used to refer to the action of separating the dust from the coarsest particles of a material. To sift, it is common to use a strainer, a sieve, a cloth or another element of […]

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Definition of conversation

A conversation is a talk arranged to refer to a certain topic or designed for another purpose. Depending on the context, the term may refer specifically to a press conference or round table, or to a meeting for dialogue. The term in context Let’s look at the term in some sentences from […]

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Definition of stoa

The term stoa is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Its use, however, is common in the field of architecture and nautical. Columns and repair A stoa, or stoa, is a rectangular space that is made up of pillars or columns and has a roof. In some […]

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Definition of core

The term core comes from the vulgar Latin medullum, which in turn is derived from the Latin medulla. The concept is often used to refer to the central or most important element of something. Various meanings The core, in short, is the fundamental issue of a matter. It is the most important thing, that which defines its essence or its […]

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Definition of lifeless

The Latin word exanĭmis came to Spanish as exánime. It is an adjective that can be used to describe someone who is lifeless or shows no signs of it. The term is also used to refer to an individual who is very weak or has fainted. Some examples Since this term is not in common use […]

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Definition of jewelry

Jewelry is the activity that consists of making jewelry. A jewel, meanwhile, is an ornament made of precious metals. More meanings and examples Beyond referring to the trade, the notion of jewelry has other meanings. It can also be used to name the place where jewelry is sold or produced, since […]

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Definition of video library

A video library is a collection of video tapes. These magnetic tapes are recordings that record sounds and images. The space that stores this type of material is known as a video library. It can be said that video libraries store videos just as libraries store books or film libraries store films. The purpose of a video library is to […]

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