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Definition of adarga

The term adarga comes from the Hispanic Arabic addárqa, which in turn is derived from the classical Arabic daraqah. An adarga is a shield with an oval or heart shape that is made of leather. The origins of adargas can be found in Al-Andalus, when they were used by Muslims who were part of the cavalry. With […]

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Definition of nubile

Nubile is a term derived from the Latin word nubĭlis. It is an adjective that describes someone who is of marriageable age. The concept is usually used in reference to a woman. A person who reaches the age of marriage reaches the legal age to marry. The condition of a woman is […]

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Definition of dissolute

The Latin word dissolūtus, derived from dissolvĕre (which translates as “to dissolve”), is the closest etymological antecedent of the term dissolute. This adjective can be used to describe someone who indulges in vice. Someone who is dissolute, therefore, is libertine and has disorderly behavior. It is common for them to act with unrestraint, without ethical constraints and, […]

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Definition of ointment

The term ointment comes from the Latin word unguentum. The term refers to a substance that can be spread or anointed. An ointment is a medicine that is applied to the outside of the body. These are ointments that combine fatty substances and active ingredients and, unlike creams, do not contain any […]

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Definition of surreptitious

The Latin word surrepticius came to Castilian as surreptitious. This adjective can be used to describe something that is carried out or achieved surreptitiously. Concealed or hidden The idea of ​​surreptitiousness, meanwhile, refers to an action carried out in a hidden or concealed manner. That is why surreptitious is something concealed or hidden. For […]

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Definition of effluvium

The notion of effluvium comes from the Latin word effluvium. The term refers to an emission of tiny elements. Smoke or vapor Effluvium is characterized by the presence of particles of minuscule or microscopic size that are expelled by a body. Sometimes it is smoke or vapor. Since, unlike other meanings that refer to smoke, it is […]

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Definition of doxology

Doxology is a formula used to praise God. It is a property that theological language must demonstrate in order to glorify the divinity in an authentic way. Major Doxology The major doxology is the hymn that, in the Catholic liturgy, allows us to exalt the Holy Trinity. This hymn, called the Major Doxology, is known as the Major Doxology. […]

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Definition of apostrophe

The concept of apostrophe comes from the late Latin apostrŏphus, which in turn is derived from the Greek word apóstrophos. It is a sign used in orthography to link two terms by marking the suppression of a sound. Raised comma The apostrophe is a raised comma («), although it can also appear as a […]

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Definition of pre-reading

Pre-reading is the stage that precedes the actual reading of a text. It is a process based on the analysis of various issues related to the material to be read in order to then make the most of the reading instance. Spontaneous or structured Pre-reading is usually carried out in a structured manner.

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Definition of uncontested

With its etymological origin in the Latin word inconcussus, inconcuso is an adjective used to describe that which does not entail any kind of doubt. What is incontestable, therefore, is certain. For example: “That the national economy has accumulated several quarters of decline is an incontestable fact that no one can deny”, “There are people who […]

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