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Definition of stridentism

Stridentism is an avant-garde movement that emerged in Mexico and encompassed different artistic disciplines. Its formal birth is linked to the presentation of a manifesto by the writer Manuel Maples Arce (1900-1981), an event that took place in December 1921. Beginnings of Stridentism Influenced by avant-garde movements from Europe such as […]

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Definition of crepe

A black cloth is used to symbolize mourning. It is a ribbon or bow that is used or displayed to externally reflect the pain felt due to the death of an individual. Characteristics and uses The crepe can be attached to clothing. It is usually worn on a […]

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Definition of sgraffito

Sgraffito is the act and result of sgraffito. This action (sgraffito), meanwhile, refers to drawing with graphite, making pieces of the surface jump off to reveal the color of another layer. An ornamental technique Sgraffito is the technique that consists of the development of this type of ornamentation. To […]

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Definition of archaism

The Greek word archaïsmós came to Late Latin as archaismus. This is the closest etymological antecedent of archaism, a concept that refers to the condition of being archaic: antiquated or ancient. An archaism, therefore, is something that seems to belong to the past. It may be a consequence sought through imitation or through […]

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Definition of effusion

The concept of effusion comes from the Latin word effusio. The term has different meanings depending on the context. Intense joy or happiness Effusion can refer to a high level of intensity in relation to joy or happiness. The effusive person exhibits and shares his or her feelings and emotions in a way that is […]

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Definition of decisive

The Latin word resolūtus, derived from resolvĕre, came to Spanish as resolutive. This is how it describes that which is linked to resolution: the decision, the definition. Resolution with firmness A resolute individual is someone who resolves different issues with firmness. This is someone who does not hesitate when deciding and who is proactive, trying to […]

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Definition of platform

The platform is the space in bus and train stations that is located next to the road or track. Passengers, therefore, usually wait for the arrival of the means of transport on the platform. Circulation and boarding Platforms are platforms that facilitate boarding the bus, train or metro (subway), […]

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Definition of syncopation

The Greek word synkopḗ came into Late Latin as syncŏpa. This is the closest etymological antecedent of the term syncopation, which has several uses. In music In the field of music, syncopation is a connection between two equal sounds: the first is located in the weak part or beat […]

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Definition of glossematics

The notion of glossematics is used to refer to the linguistic current developed by the Copenhagen School, a group or association that had Louis Hjelmslev (1899-1965) as its main reference. Glossematics derives from glōssēmatikós, a Greek word that can be translated as “full of glosses”. It all began with Saussure. Experts claim that glossematics […]

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Definition of theatricality

Theatricality is the condition of being theatrical. The adjective theatrical, meanwhile, is used to refer to that which is linked to theatre: the art of creating and representing dramatic works. General characteristics and examples In general, the idea of ​​theatricality refers to something exaggerated or pretentious, which tries not to go unnoticed. Theatricality, in […]

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