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Definition of battered

The adjective battered refers to something damaged or mistreated. What is battered is not in good condition, but quite the opposite. Some examples For example: “The tennis player is considering retiring from professional activity due to his battered left elbow”, “Yesterday I passed by the door of my childhood home and was disappointed to find it abandoned […]

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Definition of upholstery

The first meaning of tapestry mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a set or combination of tapestries. A tapestry, meanwhile, is a large cloth or fabric that is used to cover the floor or another surface. Main meanings The concept of tapestry can be used to refer to a set of […]

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Definition of verse

The word versicŭlus comes from versus, which can be translated as “verse”. The notion came to our language as verse. In the sacred scriptures, verses are short fragments that can be distinguished within the chapters of the Bible and other books considered sacred. It is a grouping of phrases that […]

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Definition of stricto sensu

The Latin phrase stricto sensu, or sensu stricto, refers to the strict sense. To understand the notion, one must focus on the idea of ​​sense. Basic concepts Sense is understood as the capacity that a person has to recognize reality and connect with it. Sense is a way of judging or understanding something, […]

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Definition of cyclorama

The notion of cyclorama is formed from two Greek words: kýklos (which can be translated as “circle”) and hórama (translatable as “view”). The term refers, according to the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, to a panoramic image that develops on a cylinder. Panoramic contemplation This panorama […]

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Definition of brooding

The adjective meditative comes from the Latin word meditabundus. The term is used to refer to someone who thinks, reflects or meditates silently. Some examples This term is not very common in everyday speech, where other less descriptive or precise terms are used. For this reason, let’s look at some example sentences to better understand its meaning.

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Definition of lean

The term lean comes from the Latin word macer. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to that which lacks fat (an unctuous or fatty substance) or that is thin. Some examples For example: “The nutritionist suggested that I choose lean foods to avoid cholesterol problems”, […]

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Definition of categorical

Categorical is an adjective used to describe something that is definitive or conclusive. The term comes from the late Latin categorĭcus, which in turn comes from the Greek word katēgorikós. Some example sentences For example: “The president was categorical and ruled out making a trade agreement with the Asian nation”, “I am categorical when I speak […]

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Definition of display

The Latin word exhibitio came to Spanish as exhibition. This is the name given to the act and result of exhibiting: to expose, to show. A way of sharing The notion of exhibition is often used in the field of art to refer to an exhibition or a display of works. The artist who wishes to share his work with […]

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Definition of syllogistic

The Greek word syllogistikós was derived from the Latin syllogistĭcus, which is the closest etymological antecedent of syllogistic. This adjective is used to describe something related to syllogism. Syllogism The notion of syllogism refers to an argument composed of three propositions. Of these propositions, the third necessarily arises by deduction from the first two. […]

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