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Definition of unfading

The Latin word immarcescibĭlis came to Spanish as inmarcesible. The term refers to that which does not wither. Inmarchitable The verb to wither, meanwhile, refers to the process that plants, flowers and other elements undergo when they lose their freshness and vigor. It also refers to the loss of beauty or energy. When something does not […]

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Definition of exonerate

The Latin word exonerāre came to Spanish as exonerate. The term has two broad meanings, as detailed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. To remove a weight The action of exonerating, in this context, can refer to providing relief or removing a weight. For example: «The government is considering exempting medicines […]

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Definition of sly

The adjective “sarcastic” is used to describe someone who acts sarcastically. “Sarcastic” is the term used to describe the dissimulation that leads to camouflaged or masked mockery. Ironic and mocking In this way, the sarcastic individual expresses himself with irony to make fun of someone, pretending to be naive. His criticisms or jokes are not direct, but rather […]

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Definition of moralism

Moralism is a false or trivial morality. It is a false or exaggerated compliance with the principles of morality. Superficial teaching It can be said that moralism appeals to certain norms to make a superficial or petty judgment of human conduct. It claims to be a teaching or a predicament, although it lacks depth […]

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Definition of specific

The word specifĭcus came to Castilian from the late Latin as specific. The term refers to that which is distinctive or characteristic of something. Differentiating feature The specificity of an element is what differentiates it from others, or what allows it to be included in a set with other elements with similar properties. It can be […]

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Definition of joropo

Joropo is a dance and musical genre typical of Venezuela that, over time, spread to neighboring nations. Depending on the region, it acquires different characteristics and includes different figures. Before moving forward, it is important to mention that the notion of joropo can also refer to a party or domestic celebration. However, […]

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Definition of cantiga

A cantiga is a poetic work that, in ancient times, was intended for singing. The term can also be referred to as cántiga, with an accent on the first A, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Medieval poetry A cantiga or cántiga, therefore, was a poem that was sung in […]

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Definition of foreboding

The action of foreboding consists of anticipating, predicting or supposing something based on a clue or a signal. In a broad sense, the notion refers to announcing a future event. To sense To forebode is often associated with having a presentiment or a hunch. Therefore, to sense implies developing a certain feeling about […]

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Definition of cabinetmaking

Cabinetmaking is the activity and workshop of a cabinetmaker. A cabinetmaker is an individual who works with ebony and other types of fine wood. Cabinetmaking and carpentry Cabinetmaking can be associated with carpentry. While the carpenter works with common wood, the cabinetmaker does so with […]

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Definition of musing

The verb musitar comes from the Latin word mussitāre. It is a term that refers to mumbling or murmuring. Unclear message Someone who speaks through his teeth is therefore mumbling. When mumbling, someone communicates or transmits something in a very low and unclear voice. For example: “Before losing consciousness, the […]

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