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Definition of experimentalism

Experimentalism is a movement in art that is characterized by transgressing the norms or criteria of previous models. In this way, it establishes a break with the traditional and with what is already socially accepted. Novel expression The artists of experimentalism opt for a novel form of expression. That is why this movement is linked to […]

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Definition of intertextuality

The notion of intertextuality refers to the link that a text establishes with other texts, which may be historical or contemporary. The Russian philologist and literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) is credited with developing the idea of ​​intertextuality, highlighting that all discourses have a dialogical character because they are interrelated […]

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Definition of cool

The term “chingón” is used in Mexico to refer to someone who is very good or who stands out in a certain field, although it has different meanings depending on the context. The concept is used in colloquial or vulgar language. “I am chingón” The notion is so broad that filmmaker Nic Santana investigated its […]

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Definition of fateful

The Latin word fatidĭcus came to Castilian as fateful. This adjective is used to describe that which predicts or anticipates the future, particularly if it is unfortunate or disastrous. A synonym for “disastrous” The most common use of the term, however, is associated with what is fatal or […]

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Definition of deadly

Mortiferous is that which causes or may cause death. The term comes from the Latin word mortifĕrus. A lethal thing or being. Mortiferous, therefore, is mortal or potentially lethal. This adjective can be used to describe animals, plants, chemical substances, etc. Taking a look at its etymology we can notice its two lexical components: […]

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Definition of monolithic

The term monolithic has several meanings. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to something linked to a monolith. Something made of stone A monolith is a monument made from a single piece of stone. By extension, it refers to something made only from […]

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Definition of trifle

A trifle is something irrelevant and/or of little value. The etymology of the term goes back to the Italian bagatella and the French bagatelle. Some examples Since this term is not often found in everyday speech, let’s look at three example sentences below to understand its use in context: “I’m not going to waste time with […]

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Definition of baluster

The Greek word balaústion passed into Latin as balaustĭum, which in turn derived into the French balustre. After this etymological journey, the concept reached Spanish as balaustre or balustre: this is the name given to the small column that, together with the railings, supports the structure of the parapets or railings of a building.

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Definition of pond

A pond is a small body of water that can arise naturally or be developed by humans. In the former case, water accumulates in a depression in the ground without any human intervention, while artificial ponds are created by people for a practical purpose […]

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Definition of frame

Frames are the images that follow one another in a film. The sequence of frames, before the viewer’s eyes, gives a sensation of movement. Printed image On a celluloid film, which is projected by a cinematograph, each frame is an image printed through a chemical process. When a film is […]

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