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Definition of arredrar

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes three meanings of the verb arredrar, which can also be used as a pronominal. The first meaning refers to separating, isolating or distancing. To frighten someone Arredrar can also refer to intimidating, frightening or making someone retreat due to a threat. For example: “No danger was going to frighten us, […]

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Definition of recomposition

Recomposition is the act and result of recomposing. The verb recompose, meanwhile, refers to composing again (arranging, ordering or adjusting). Salary recomposition The idea of ​​recomposition is often used in relation to repairing or restoring something. It is common to talk about salary recomposition to refer to a salary increase that aims to […]

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Definition of polymathy

The Greek word polymathía came to our language as polymathy. This is the name given to the knowledge of someone who has advanced knowledge of multiple subjects. A comprehensive education Someone who has polymathy is a polymath. These individuals, thanks to their studies and experiences, have instruction in different sciences and arts, which gives them the ability to […]

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Definition of embed

The Latin word imbibĕre came to Spanish as embeber. The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), in its dictionary, recognizes more than a dozen meanings of the term. Absorb or soak The first meaning refers to what a solid object does when it absorbs a liquid. To soak also consists of soaking a permeable or porous element with […]

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Definition of zoning

Zoning is the act and result of zoning: establishing zones in a certain area. The concept refers to dividing a territory into different sectors, constituted on the basis of certain criteria. General description There are, therefore, multiple types of zoning. It is common for urban or metropolitan planning of a city to resort to a […]

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Definition of expertise

The notion of expertise is used to refer to the combination of experience and skill. Someone who has expertise in a subject, therefore, has knowledge derived from practice over time and the ability to carry out certain actions. Two meanings It is interesting to note that the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy […]

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Definition of dithyramb

The Greek word dithýrambos derived from the Latin dithyrambus, which refers to a lyrical work dedicated to Dionysus. The term came to our language as dithyramb. An honorific poem In Ancient Greece, therefore, a dithyramb was a poem in honor of the god of wine and fertility. These works were usually part of […]

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Definition of lapdog

The adjective faldero is used to refer to something linked to the skirt. The term skirt, meanwhile, refers to a woman's lap or to the item of clothing that covers from the waist down. As a qualifier of people A man is described as a faldero when he is a womanizer or when he enjoys […]

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Definition of guardian

A guardian is an individual who is dedicated to guarding something, protecting it. Guardians, therefore, work for the preservation and security of what they guard, which can be physical or symbolic. Some examples For example: “At the door of the king’s room there is always a guardian who is in charge of […]

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Definition of Parnassianism

Parnassianism is a poetic movement that emerged in the mid-nineteenth century in France. This movement is based on the search for perfection of forms, thus opposing the pillars of Romanticism. Depersonalization While romantic authors such as Alphonse de Lamartine, Alexandre Dumas (father and son) and […]

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