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Definition of flamboyant

Flaming is that which expels flames: a gaseous mass that is in combustion, emitting light. It is an adjective that originated in the Latin flammĭger. The notion is also used to refer to that which imitates the appearance of a flame. Another use of the concept is symbolic and is linked to […]

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Definition of malambo

Malambo is a dance that is part of Argentine folklore. It is a type of dance performed by men, characterized by stomping. Instrumental songs Emerging around the 18th century in the Pampas plain, malambo is set to music with a guitar and a percussion instrument known as a bass drum.

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Definition of hierophany

The etymological root of hierophany is found in the Greek words hierós (which refers to “divine origin”) and pháneia (translatable as “manifestation”). A hierophany is an expression of the sacred in a profane environment. The transcendent in the earthly The person responsible for coining the term was the Romanian philosopher Mircea Eliade (1907–1986), who […]

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Definition of narrator

The notion of narratee is used in the context of literary theory to refer to the character who, in the universe of a fiction, is positioned as the recipient of a story told by the narrator. This means that the narrator tells a story to the narratee. Recipient of the story The narratee, therefore, is the recipient of the story.

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Definition of transfigure

The verb transfigure comes from the Latin word transfigurāre. Also accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) as trasfigurar (without N), it refers to bringing about a change in the appearance or figure of something or someone. Physical or emotional change Although it can refer to a physical alteration, transfigurar also allows us to name a modification in […]

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Definition of elucubrate

The Latin word elucubrāre came to Spanish as elucubrar. The term is used to refer to rambling, especially when what is pointed out is presented as complex but lacks support. Main meanings In general, the concept refers to the action of assuming something without foundation. It can also refer to the process that leads to postulating […]

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Definition of estatuir

The Latin word statuare came to Spanish as estatuir. The concept refers to constituting, defining or instituting something. Some examples The term is generally used in reference to determining something that governs different issues or individuals. For example: “The new regulations allow for the establishment of several principles that were not previously contemplated”, […]

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Definition of hyperrealism

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines hyperrealism as enhanced or excessively detailed realism. The term is used to refer to a pictorial and sculptural style that resembles photography. An explicit representation of reality Emerging in the late 1960s on the European continent and in the territory of […]

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Definition of libar

The notion of libar has its etymological origin in the Latin word libāre. The concept is often used to refer to what insects do when they suck nectar from flowers. Nectar is the sugary substance produced by nectaries. The nectary, meanwhile, is a gland that certain flowers have. Sucking nectar is a gland that […]

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Definition of bead

The Sanskrit word veluriya passed into Greek as bḗryllos, which reached classical Arabic as billawr. This term, in turn, derived into the Hispanic Arabic alballúri, which refers to something made of glass. After this etymological journey, we arrive at the concept of a bead. A showy ornament A bead is an ornament of little value but that […]

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