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Definition of conflagration

Conflagration is a violent agitation of a nation or people. This is the most frequently used term. It is a word that originated from the Latin conflagratio. Outbreak of a conflict Conflagration implies the outbreak of a conflict. The concept is often associated with a war between […]

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Definition of huipil

Huipil is a piece of clothing that is characteristic of the indigenous clothing of various regions. It is a term that comes from the Nahuatl huipilli. It is also accepted as güipil and is referred to as hipil in some areas. Dress or blouse A huipil is a dress or blouse worn by women from indigenous peoples.

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Definition of minutiae

Minutiae is something that lacks importance or value. The etymology of this word leads us to minutia, a Latin word that can be translated as smallness. Trifle or trifle A minutia can be said to be a trifle or a trifle. The term is usually used to refer to something that is insignificant or inconsequential and […]

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Definition of toneme

The toneme is the inflection adopted by a melodic unit after the last accented syllable. It is a concept that is part of the field of phonetics. It is possible to distinguish between different kinds of tonemes according to their characteristics. An inflection An inflection is a lowering or raising of the voice […]

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Definition of circumscribe

To circumscribe is the act of limiting something to certain terms or limits. It is a verb whose etymological origin takes us back to Latin, where we find the term circumscribĕre. In geometry In the field of geometry, circumscribing consists of tracing a figure in such a way that it surrounds another, seeking to ensure that the […]

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Definition of ambulatory

Deambulatory refers to something linked to the act of wandering (walking aimlessly). This word, which belongs to the category of adjective, came to our language from the late Latin deambulatorium, which can be translated as “gallery”. Freedom of wandering Freedom of wandering is the right that a person has to leave the place where he is in order to […]

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Definition of superstition

The Italian word superchieria came to Spanish as superchería. This is the name given to a trick, a trap or a deception. The realization of a fraud Superchería implies the replacement of something true with a false element. In this way, a fraud is realized. For example: “The deception of those who narrate the official history and […]

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Definition of spatialism

Spatialism is an artistic movement that emerged in the mid-1940s in Italy. Lucio Fontana was responsible for promoting this movement that combined postulates of Tachisme and Dadaism, among other groups. A peculiar depth The publication of Fontana’s “White Manifesto” in 1946 is noted as one of the most […]

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Definition of badil

The etymology of badil takes us to the Latin word batillum. The concept is used to refer to a metal paddle used to collect and move fire in homes, salamanders, fireplaces and other similar structures. Fire paddle A paddle is a tool that has a handle and a […]

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Definition of penknife

A penknife is a small pocket knife. Named in some countries as a cortapluma (without the final S), this instrument was originally used to cut the pens used when writing. Folding knife Nowadays, a small folding knife is called a penknife, although the first penknives could be used to cut […]

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