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Definition of categorize

The verb categorize refers to carrying out a classification or ordering by categories. The term, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), comes from the English expression to categorize. To frame something in a group To continue with the development of the definition of categorize, it is first necessary to delve into the idea of ​​category. This […]

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Definition of affair

Affaire is a term from the French language that is also used in our language to refer to a matter that, due to its characteristics, is controversial, indecorous or even illegal. An affair, therefore, becomes a scandal or the axis of a conflict when it becomes known. Some examples For example: “The singer preferred not to […]

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Definition of ridge

Camellón is a term derived from camel that is used to refer to something whose shape resembles that animal. The first meaning of the concept mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a ridge. On the public road A camellón or ridge is a hill or mound that is […]

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Definition of recess

A twist is a turn and a bend in a street, a river, etc. This is just one of the meanings of this notion, according to what is indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Turn and bend A turn is understood as a curvature or a detour in a street, a river, etc.

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Definition of bicultural

Bicultural is that which implies the coexistence or union of two cultures. The idea of ​​culture, meanwhile, refers to the set of knowledge, traditions and habits of a community, a historical period, etc. The term can be used for a region as well as for an individual or an institution. Bicultural region A […]

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Definition of buttress

Buttress is the strap that is nailed to the saddle shafts, where the girth is adjusted. We must clarify that this is only one of the meanings that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary mentions for this term. The buttress, therefore, is attached to the shafts, which […]

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Definition of periclitate

The word periclitāri, which can be translated as “being in danger”, came to our language as periclitar. Although it was previously used to refer to the fact of being in a dangerous situation, this meaning fell into disuse, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Decline or diminish Nowadays, the concept of periclitar is used […]

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Definition of assertorium

The etymology of assertorium takes us to the Latin assertorius. The concept is used in the field of philosophy to refer to a judgment that makes an affirmation or a denial as if it were true, even if it is not necessarily so. Declaring the certainty of something Expressing an assertorium statement implies making an assertion: declaring […]

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Definition of grotesque

A grotesque is a ridiculous or extravagant individual, object or event. What is mentioned in this way is caricatured due to its grotesque characteristics. Some examples Let’s look at the term in some sentences to take a look at its meaning in different situations: “I wanted to make a strawberry and chocolate cake but it turned out to be a grotesque”, […]

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Definition of Shintoism

The etymology of Shintoism leads us to the Japanese word shinto, which in turn derives from the Chinese shin tao (which translates as “way of the gods”). The term refers to a polytheistic religion originating in Japan. Natural forces Before moving forward, it is important to mention that polytheism refers to believing in more than one god, […]

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