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Definition of comparatism

Comparatism is a school of linguistics that emerged in the early 19th century and aims to analyze and establish the genetic relationships that exist between languages. It is a term derived from the French word comparatisme. Method of comparison Comparatism can be understood as a method that allows us to compare languages ​​and recognize correspondences between languages.

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Definition of microphotography

Microphotography is the technique used to shrink the image of an object. This is the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Microscopic photography Microphotography can also be a photograph of a microscopic object. In this case, to obtain it, a camera with a resolution of 1000 x 1000 pixels must be used.

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Definition of sacrosanct

Sacrosanct is an adjective that refers to something that, due to its characteristics, can be considered holy and sacred. Holy and sacred A holy individual stands out for his virtue, while a holy thing is consecrated to God. The sacred, on the other hand, is linked to a divinity or has a divine character, with […]

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Definition of Vulcan

Vulcan is the name of the god of fire in Roman mythology. The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), in its dictionary, includes the adjective vulcan to refer to that which is linked to this deity or to fire. Before moving forward, it is worth remembering that fire is a phenomenon characterized by the emission of […]

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Definition of desvencijar

The verb desvencijar refers to loosening, separating and/or breaking down the pieces of something that were, and should remain, joined together. That is why the action is linked to disarranging or taking apart an artifact, a machine or another object, even a symbolic one. Losing cohesion When something falls apart, it loses its normal cohesion. It stops having […]

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Definition of clipping

Clipping is an English term that can be translated as “cutting”. Although it is not part of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary, it is often used in our language to refer specifically to the activity that consists of monitoring the media to detect allusions to a company, a business or a […]

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Definition of substantiation

Substantiation, also accepted as substantiation, is the act and result of substantiating (or substantiating). This verb, meanwhile, refers to concretizing an idea, a plan or a project. In the field of law, substantiation is also called the action of processing a judicial process until a sentence resolves it. In context By […]

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Definition of bochinche

The notion of bochinche comes from bochincho, an obsolete term that refers to a “sip”. Bochincho, in turn, was derived from buche (a portion of a liquid). Tumult and confusion A bochinche is a tumult or a scene that is confusing or unclear. For example: “In the middle of the bochinche, the […]

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Definition of interfix

Interfix is ​​the affix that is inserted between the root and the suffix. This notion is used in the field of grammar and can also be referred to as an infix, according to what is accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Interfix is ​​also understood as the affix that does not follow or precede the lexical morpheme, […]

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Definition of darning

The verb zurcir refers to the making of a seam to mend a torn fabric. When darning, the pieces are joined together using stitches, trying to conceal the repair. Replacing threads Darning refers to replacing the missing threads in a hole in a fabric through criss-cross stitches and […]

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