

Latest articles in Culture

Definition of creation

Creation is the act of bringing something new into existence, whether it be a physical object, a work of art, an idea, a concept, or any other type of entity that did not previously exist. It involves the process of giving form, origin, or life to something, often through imagination, innovation, the combination of elements, or the creation of new things.

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Definition of musical instrument

A musical instrument is an item specially designed for the purpose of generating, through it, one or more tones (or tones) that, when combined, produce music. It should be noted that, although it is possible to make sounds with a wide variety of everyday products, the concept of musical instrument is reserved for […]

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Definition of epiphora

Epiphora is the name given, within the field of rhetoric, to a literary figure that revolves around the fact of repeating one or more words in a text. As synonyms of this concept, both epistrophe and epistrophy are accepted, as detailed in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE).

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Definition of narrator

A narrator is the voice or entity that tells a story in a literary work or in other art forms, such as film, theatre or music. It is the person who guides the reader or viewer through the plot, describing events, introducing characters and conveying the perspective from which the story is told.

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Definition of fun

Fun is the result of a plan or activity that someone, alone or in company, carries out for entertainment purposes. It can arise from playing a sport or a game, going to a discotheque or enjoying the alternatives available at an amusement park, for example. […]

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Definition of ruin

Ruin generally refers to the degradation, deterioration, or collapse of something that was previously in good condition. This term can be applied to a variety of situations and contexts. In the financial field, ruin can refer to the total loss of a person or entity’s wealth or financial solvency. In the physical aspect, ruin can refer to the total loss of a person’s or entity’s wealth or financial solvency. […]

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Definition of dessert

A dessert is a sweet food that is consumed at the end of a meal. It is usually served after the main course and usually has sweet flavors, although it can also include ingredients such as fruits, dairy products, chocolate, nuts, among others. Desserts can vary in shape and size, and there are many recipes and culinary traditions […]

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Definition of door

A door is an opening, threshold, or barrier that allows access to or exit from an enclosed space. Historically, doors have played a crucial role in human daily life, being fundamental elements in architecture, security, and social interaction. Since ancient times, doors have been used as a means of transporting goods and goods. […]

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Definition of visual communication

Visual communication is a format that allows information to be transmitted through stimuli, designs and strategies that can be perceived with the eyes, that is, through the sense of sight. To carry it out, it is essentially appealed to the image and the graphic sign, the key resources that make up visual language. This, according to […]

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Definition of permaculture

Permaculture is a holistic methodology that aims at the development of sustainable environments and spaces. It is a system that revolves around the design of productive areas taking into account various ecological, social and economic principles. Permaculture can be understood as a discipline that promotes the creation of areas suitable for the production of […]

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