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Definition of stereo

Stereo is the abbreviation for stereophony or stereophonic. Stereophony is the technique that allows a sound to be recorded simultaneously from two or more places that are at a certain distance; in this way, when the sound in question is reproduced, an acoustic relief is perceived. Stereophonic, meanwhile, is that linked to […]

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Definition of sewer

The term sewer arose as a diminutive of alcántara. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), alcántara is the trunk-like box that is used in a velvet loom to store the fabric that is being woven. The notion of sewer, however, has nothing to do with […]

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Definition of chasuble

Chasuble is a term derived from the low Latin casubla, which can be translated as “hooded cape”. This is the name given to a garment worn by priests when celebrating mass. The chasuble is a long garment that covers the rest of the clothing. It has, in its centre, an opening at the back, which […]

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Definition of brete

Brete is a term whose etymology is not precisely known. According to specialists, it could come from the Occitan word bret, which in turn is derived from an Old High German word that translates as “table”. A brete is a complex or problematic situation from which it is not easy to get out. Anyone who is in a difficult situation […]

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Definition of gea

In the Greek language, Gaîa is the name given to the goddess Earth. This word came to scientific Latin as gaea, which is the closest etymological antecedent of gea. In our language we can find the term Gea to refer to the aforementioned divinity of Greek mythology. Gea, in this sense, is the […]

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Definition of aupar

Aupar is a verb that comes from aúpa. This interjection is used, either literally or figuratively, to incite an individual to lift something or to get up. The action of aupar, therefore, consists of raising or elevating someone. In some regions, it is more common to use expressions such as […]

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Definition of jump

The etymology of the word brinco takes us to the Latin word vincŭlum, which can be translated as “binding”. The concept refers to the movement that a person makes when they slightly lift their feet off the surface. A brinco, therefore, is similar to a jump. The definition of jump offered by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in […]

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Definition of omen

Omen is a concept that comes from the Latin word augurium. The term refers to a divinatory ritual that was developed by different ancient peoples based on the interpretation of signs. Certain meteorological phenomena and the flight and song of some birds were studied by diviners to develop omens. In order to […]

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Definition of cane

A cane is a kind of stick that is used as a support when walking. Although the etymological origin of the word cane is not clear, it is linked to the French word bâton and the Italian bastone. Description The cane generally has a handle or grip (which is the part by which it is held) and a ferrule […]

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Definition of scarf

A scarf is a silk fabric that is usually printed. The word comes from the French word foulard. The term usually refers to different garments or products that are made from this type of fabric. Scarf A scarf can be a handkerchief that is used in a similar way to a scarf.

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