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Definition of alfajor

Alfajores are consumed in many countries; however, the characteristics of this product vary according to the region. The term, therefore, can refer to a particular food in one nation and a very different one in a different place. Before moving on to the various meanings, it is interesting to analyze the […]

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Definition of box

Casilla is the diminutive of house. The concept of house, on the other hand, has multiple uses. A house can be used to refer to a building used as a dwelling; to the lineage of a surname; to a cultural institution; to a commercial establishment; or to the stadium or playing field of a complex. A hostel […]

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Definition of sideboard

Aparador is a term whose etymological origin is found in the late Latin apparātor, which can be translated as “preparator”. The concept can be used as an adjective or as a noun. In the first case, aparador refers to the fact that it prepares. The verb aparar, meanwhile, refers to sewing pieces of goatskin, cordovan or other material that form […]

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Definition of citadel

The notion of citadel comes from the Italian word cittadella. The concept is influenced by the term city: an urban space administered by a town council or municipality that is characterized by a large number of buildings, a high population density and an economy based on non-agricultural activities. Returning to the idea of ​​a citadel, the city is a city that is […]

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Definition of lock

Lock is a term whose etymological origin is found in the Latin word exclūsa. This word was used in reference to water (aqua) to refer to “excluded water”. Nowadays, the concept is used to name different types of infrastructure. It is generally used to name the compartment that allows the passage of a […]

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Definition of applique

The French word applique came to our language as a lamp. The first meaning of the term mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to a lamp. A lamp is a utensil that holds an artificial light (such as a spotlight or light bulb). In the specific case of the wall lamp, its particularity is that it is made of metal, which is […]

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Definition of ewer

Aguamanil is a term that comes from the late Latin aquamanīle. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a jug with a spout and used to pour water into a sink or basin intended for washing hands. The RAE also points out that the […]

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Definition of blues

The blues is a musical genre that emerged in the American South from compositions and performances by African-American men and women. The blues began as a vocal musical form and later evolved into multiple styles. According to specialists, the origins of the blues date back to the 19th century, while the […]

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Definition of barrack

Barraca is a term with an etymological origin in the Catalan language. The notion has several uses depending on the region and the context. The first meaning referred to by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a precarious dwelling that is built in a rustic way. Barracas arise from the need to […]

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Definition of statue

The notion of statue comes from the Latin word statua. The term refers to a sculpture that seeks to reproduce the characteristics of a real or natural figure. A sculpture, meanwhile, is a work that is made by sculpting or carving a three-dimensional figure in a certain material. The concept comes from the Latin sculptūra. Recalling the […]

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