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Definition of duvet

Duvet is a term with an etymological origin in the French word édredon. The concept has two meanings according to what is indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. The first meaning mentioned by the RAE refers to the down of some birds. A down, meanwhile, is a type of fine feather […]

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Definition of Andean

The adjective Andean is often used to refer to things related to the Andes mountain range. However, there are also certain administrative divisions in different countries that are called the Andes, so the adjective can have other specific meanings. The most common use of the concept, however, is associated with […]

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Definition of pad

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes more than a dozen meanings of “pad”. Most of them are linked to a type of pillow or cushion that is characterized by its small size. In fact, in general terms, it can be said that a pad is a small pillow. These products usually have specific uses. Almohadilla […]

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Definition of clown

Clown is an English term that can be translated as “clown”. The concept is accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), which includes it in its dictionary. According to the RAE, a clown can be called a circus clown. However, the entity clarifies that the notion is usually used specifically for someone who […]

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Definition of batik

Batik is a printing technique. The term has its origin in the Javanese language and can be translated as “painted”. Batik is representative of Indonesia, especially the island of Java. It is also popular in countries such as Malaysia, India, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Since 2009 it has been part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of […]

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Definition of elbow

The term elbow, which derives from the Latin word cubĭtus, has several meanings recognized by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The most common use refers to the posterior and protruding sector of the joint of the forearm with the arm. It should be noted that the joint is called the union, whether mobile or fixed, of the […]

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Definition of gospel

Gospel is a concept that comes from the English language. This is the name given to a religious type of music that emerged among the African-American population in the United States. Gospel is sung in a choral manner. Groups can have up to thirty singers, who perform compositions whose lyrics exalt Christian values. Origins Gospel is a type of music that is […]

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Definition of brush

The etymology of brush is not clear, although it is believed that it could derive from the French dialectal word brouche or the Italian brusca. The term is used to refer to a tool that has several uses. In its broadest sense, a brush consists of a handle and a set of bristles or hairs that allow […]

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Definition of tree pit

When reviewing the etymology of alcorque, we find that the closest antecedent of the term is alqúrq, a word from Hispanic Arabic. This word, in turn, comes from the Aramaic qurqā or qarqā. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes two meanings of alcorque, one linked to footwear and another to botany. In addition, […]

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Definition of mezzanine

A mezzanine is a floor whose construction involves removing a section of the height of another floor. The development, thus, takes place between that floor and the one above. A floor is, in turn, each horizontal surface of a building. The concept can also refer to the set of rooms that, […]

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