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Definition of bemba

The notion of bemba has several uses. The term is used in different ways depending on the country, and can be used as a noun or adjective and sometimes forms part of colloquial phrases. In countries such as Venezuela, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, among others, the term bemba refers to the mouth that is characterized by […]

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Definition of exorcism

The etymology of exorcism takes us back to the late Latin word exorcismus, which in turn derives from the Greek word exorkismós. The concept refers to the ritual carried out with the aim of driving away the devil. Before continuing, it is important to note that exorcism is a practice linked to the faith […]

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Definition of bandoneon

The bandoneon is a wind instrument that is often used in tango. The term comes from the German word Bandoneon. This word is an acronym formed by the surname of the musician and luthier who created this instrument (Heinrich Band) and the terms Harmonika (that is, “harmonica”) and Akkordeon (translatable as “accordion”). In fact, […]

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Definition of bass drum

The Latin word bombus, which can be translated as “noise”, came to our language as bass drum. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes a dozen meanings of the term. One of the most common uses of bass drum refers to a large drum that is usually used in military bands and orchestras. For […]

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Definition of can

Can is a term with several uses accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. Its etymological origin is found in the Latin word canis. The most commonly used meaning of can refers to the dog. It is a four-legged animal whose scientific name is Canis familiaris. Main characteristics of the canine […]

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Definition of camisole

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes six meanings of the term camisola, which has its etymological origin in the Italian language. Several of the uses of the concept are regional. The first meaning mentioned by the RAE refers to a loose and thin shirt. A shirt is a garment that has buttons on the […]

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Definition of equalize

Equalizing is a verb that comes from the English expression to equalize, which can be translated as “equalize.” The action of equalizing consists of modifying the reproduction frequencies of the sound or other type of signal, always within the framework of certain values. The system that allows equalizing is known as an equalizer. It can be a […]

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Definition of equalizer

An equalizer is a system that allows the equalization of a signal. It can be a physical device or a computer program. Before moving forward, it is important to mention that equalizing is the action carried out when making an adjustment to the reproduction frequencies of the sound or another signal within a […]

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Definition of extract

The etymology of extract takes us back to medieval Latin extractus. This word, in turn, derives from extrahĕre (which can be translated as “to extract”). The notion has several meanings. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the summary of a text that expresses, in a concise manner, the most […]

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Definition of hitch

Hook is a term with several uses depending on the context. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the act and result of hooking or being hooked. The verb to hook can also be used in multiple ways. The action can consist of catching or hanging an element, with or without […]

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