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Definition of abracadabra

Abracadabra is a concept that comes from a late Latin word, itself derived from the Greek abráxas. The etymology of abracadabra, therefore, leads us to the idea of ​​abraxas. The Gnostics (i.e., the followers of the ancient religious and philosophical doctrine that combined elements of Christianity, Judaism and Greek beliefs) […]

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Definition of as

The concept of as takes us back to the Latin language. The word assis, in this context, referred to a unit of weight and currency that was used in the time of Ancient Rome. That is why as can refer to that primitive coin that was produced with bronze and whose weight varied until […]

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Definition of record

The term “engrave” has its etymological origin in the French word graver. The concept can be used in different ways depending on the context. The first meaning of “engrave” mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the action of carving or producing, through incisions, in relief or hollow, a piece of wood […]

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Definition of petticoat

The term enagua comes from nagua, which has its origin in the Taíno language. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the nagua is a white underskirt. The saya, in turn, is a skirt or a tunic. Returning to the idea of ​​an enagua, this is the name given to a […]

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Definition of kid

The term chiquilín is often used to refer to a young child. It is the diminutive of chico. The term is generally used in colloquial language and in an affectionate way. However, if it is applied to an adult and depending on the context, it can also have a negative connotation. Childhood is a term that refers to a child who is very young.

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Definition of tray

Charola is a noun used in several Latin American countries to refer to a tray. It is, therefore, a concave or flat object that is used to deposit, display or serve something. Generally, the tray is used to bring food to the table. Its characteristics make it […]

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Definition of chabacano

Chabacano is a term whose origin, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), cannot be established with certainty. The concept can be used as an adjective or as a noun depending on the context, having different meanings. As an adjective, chabacano can be used to describe that which is rude or vulgar. Chabacanería, in this sense, is a term that is used to describe something that is […]

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Definition of stonemason

The notion of quarryman has several uses. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes five meanings, some of them linked to the region of the speakers. A quarryman, for example, is someone who is dedicated to the extraction of stones from a quarry or to the shaping of them for their use […]

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Definition of good fortune

Buenaventura is a term that refers to the good fortune or positive fortune of a person. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the concept can be mentioned in a single word (buenaventura) or in two (buena ventura). The idea of ​​​​fortune refers to luck: the adverse or favorable circumstances that […]

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Definition of ball

Bola is a term that comes from the Occitan language, although its most distant etymological antecedent is found in the Latin word bulla. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a body that has a spherical shape. It should be noted that a sphere has a curved surface. A […]

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