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Definition of arepa

The etymology of arepa leads us to the cumanagoto erepa, which can be translated as “corn”. The term refers to different gastronomic preparations according to the region. In general, arepa is a type of tortilla or bread made with corn flour. Its ingredients and preparation vary according to the region.

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Definition of indigo

Before reaching our language, the term indigo had an extensive etymological journey. It originated in Sanskrit nīla, passing into Persian as nil. Its path continued in classical Arabic níl[aǧ], from where it arrived in Hispanic Arabic as annír or anníl. The concept has several uses. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of […]

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Definition of complementary color

Color is the sensation generated by light rays when they produce an impression on the organs of sight. The retina has photosensitive cells that send nerve signals to the brain, which is responsible for interpreting them and developing visual perception. It is important to mention that photoreceptors are able to differentiate […]

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Definition of angel

The Greek word angelos, which can be translated as “messenger”, came to Late Latin as angĕlus. In our language, the concept arrived as angel. The term is often used in monotheistic religions to refer to a celestial spirit. Angels are at the service of God, acting as his messengers and mediating between divinity and […]

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Definition of secondary color

The sensation generated by light rays when they reach the organs of sight is called color. The wavelength of these rays determines the characteristics of the sensation in question. The secondary adjective, on the other hand, is used to describe that which is a consequence or a derivation […]

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Definition of literary essay

The etymology of essay takes us to the late Latin exagium, which refers to the action of weighing. This verb (to weigh), in this case, is linked to the careful examination that is carried out on something with the objective of developing a judgment about it. The notion of essay can be used to refer to the text where a person […]

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Definition of primary color

Color is a term that has its etymological origin in the Latin language. It is the name given to the sensation that light rays produce in the organs of sight. The adjective primary, meanwhile, can describe what is essential or elemental. Another meaning refers to what appears, is located or […]

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Definition of inside

Inside is a term that can be used as an adverb, noun or interjection, depending on the context. The concept comes from dentro, which refers to the inner sector of something, whether physical or symbolic. That which is located in the internal zone, therefore, is found inside. In this sense, we can speak of the inland or […]

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Definition of ambulatory

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), in its dictionary, points out that the etymology of the term ambulatory is not clear. The concept is used in the field of architecture, especially in relation to Gothic and Romanesque styles. The ambulatory is the name given to the nave in a temple that is located around the altar […]

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Definition of giant

Giant is a term that can be used as an adjective or a noun. The concept is linked to something that is much larger than what is considered usual or normal. The idea can be applied to refer to physical or symbolic issues. This means that someone can be referred to as a giant by […]

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