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Definition of fortuitous

The etymological origin of the fortuitous term that concerns us now is found in Latin. Specifically, we can establish that it derives from "fortuitus", which is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language: -The noun "fortuna", which can be translated as "luck". -The suffix «-ito», which is used as a diminutive. The […]

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Definition of stocky

There are different theories about the etymological origin of the term that concerns us now. Thus, there are those that indicate that it comes from Catalan, specifically from "fornir", and we also find those that establish that it derives from French, exactly from the word "fournir". However, there are also those who claim that it is directly influenced by German. […]

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Definition of formidable

In order to know the meaning of the term formidable, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin, exactly from "formidabilis", which is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language: -The verb "formidare", which can be translated as "fear". -The possibility suffix […]

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Definition of forge

To discover the meaning of the term forge it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it derives from French, exactly from the Gallic verb "forger", which can be translated as "make". The term has different uses depending on the context. Forging with hammer blows The action of forging can allude […]

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Definition of foreigner

With etymological origin in the Low Latin word foraneus, foreign is an adjective that refers to something foreign or foreign. The term can refer to a person, an object, a custom, etc. For example: "According to analysts, the foreign vote will be very important in the next presidential elections", "The […]

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Definition of brochure

The term brochure comes from the Italian word foglietto. This is the name given to a printed document that has a limited number of pages and that does not usually have periodicity. Brochures generally have an advertising or informative purpose. For example: “Yesterday they gave me a brochure for the new car from the French manufacturer”, “In the Office […]

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Definition of flow

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) does not include the term flow. It is an English word that can be translated into Spanish as "flow" or "flow", although in certain areas it is used directly in its original version. In the field of music, especially in rap, the idea of ​​flow alludes […]

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Definition of flamenco

The term flamenco, derived from the Dutch flaming, has several uses. The first meanings mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refer to one who is native to Flanders and to that linked to this historical region of the European continent. The Flemish region encompasses the current Belgian provinces of West Flanders, Flanders […]

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Definition of brand new

The adjective flamante comes from the Latin word flammans. The term is used to describe something that looks radiant since it is freshly made or has never been used. For example: «Do you want to see my brand new car? I just bought it", "I'm going to wear my brand new suit at my brother's wedding", "The brand new phone from […]

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Definition of flute

Originating in the Occitan language, flute is a term that refers to a wind instrument that has a tubular shape. Flutes have holes that the musician must cover or not, either with his fingers or with a key, depending on the note he intends to play. Generally, this type of instrument […]

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