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Definition of written language

Language is a term whose etymological origin is found in the Occitan word lenguatge. The notion refers to the human capacity that allows expression and communication through the use of sign systems. Written, meanwhile, is an adjective that refers to what is expressed through writing. As a noun, it refers to […]

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Definition of third person

The adjective third comes from the Latin tertiarius. Its most common use refers to that which is in position number 3 of a succession or series, although it can also be used to refer to someone who mediates between two or more individuals and to the subject who is different from those who have influence in a certain matter. […]

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Definition of verb tense

With its etymological origin in the Latin word tempus, time is a term with several uses. In this case, we are interested in its meaning as the paradigm that is applied in the conjugation of a verb according to the temporal category. Verbal, meanwhile, is a concept originating from the late Latin verbālis that refers to that which is linked to […]

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Definition of connotative language

Language is a human capacity. Coming from the Occitan lenguatge, the term refers to the possibility of communication and expression that occurs through the articulation of sound or the use of some other system of signs. Connotative, meanwhile, is that which connotes. The action of connoting is applied to words that have a connotative meaning.

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Definition of denotative language

Language is a term that comes from the Occitan word lenguatge. The concept refers to the ability of a person to express themselves and establish communication with other individuals through the articulation of sounds or the use of another system of signs. The denotative adjective, meanwhile, refers to what it denotes. The verb denote, […]

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Definition of textual macrorules

The term macro-rule is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Its meaning, however, can be known if the parts that make up the concept are analyzed. The compositional element macro- refers to what is large. A rule, meanwhile, is a norm, a precept or a method. It can be considered, therefore, that a […]

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Definition of functional text

The idea of ​​text comes from the Latin word textus, which refers to a “web”. The term can be used to name written or oral statements that form a coherent whole. The adjective functional, on the other hand, refers to something linked to a function (a task, a capacity or a representation, depending on the context). Something […]

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Definition of adjective phrase

Phrase is a term that comes from the Latin word phrasis, which in turn is derived from the Greek phrásis. The concept has several uses: it can refer to the group of words that form a statement; to the grammatical structure also known as a sentence; or to the expression composed of several words whose overall meaning does not arise from their […]

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Definition of discourse connector

Connector is an adjective used to refer to something that connects (that is, that joins, links or communicates). The term is also often used as a noun. In the specific case of linguistics, a connector is a unit that makes it possible to establish a semantic link between different fragments or sentences of a […]

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Definition of costumbrismo

The notion of costumbrismo is used in the field of literature and the visual arts. This is the name given to the movement that aims to show and describe the customs of a region. A custom is a habit or a tradition. It arises from an everyday or frequent way of acting; when the […]

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